Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Duck pond!

Have you ever noticed how great the duckpond is? No matter how out of it, or whatever you are, you can go there, and throw some bread in the water, and suddenly it feels alot better. It is just soo relaxing. Whooo! I love the duckpond!!! Oh yeah, and I saw a cop in the duck pond today/this evening I guess. It was getting to be quite dark, and he was just walking through. He was really nice. He said 'hi', and asked how I was doing and everything. I was kindda expecting him to tell me that the park is closed after dark, or how I shouldn't be out there alone after dark or something like that. But he didn't. He seemed in a good mood, and kindda to be in a hurry. But it made me happy. Conclusion: the duck pond is really peaceful, the only cop I've seen there is really nice, and it's the next best thing to camping.

Over and Out, MEO


Unknown said...

I'm sorry you had to go by yourself.

Anonymous said...

Next best thing to camping, eh? But is it greater than sex? That is the real question. Hip hip.