Thursday, February 22, 2007

Freedom of Speech - Yay!

Alright, I don't do this very often, but I am going to review a news article today. This news article in fact: Egypt Blogger Jailed for Insults - by the BBC. That's probably a bit of a misnomer. I'm not really going to review the article, I'm more just gonna state a few facts, and probably leave it at that.

Basically, this guy from Egypt got put into prison in Egypt - duh - for criticizing the President, and Islam on his blog. Of course, the Human Rights people are going nuts, and the Bloggers of Egypt are upset. The really sad fact of it all is that this guy was 22 years old. That's about the average for most people reading this right now. He wasn't the only person to be arrested and tried for this, but so far, he is the only person who has been found guilty, and punished. For this, he is getting 3 year of prison for criticizing Islam, and an additional 1 year for criticizing the President.

This is the point at which I am very grateful for being in America. In my mind, I had never really considered Egypt as a place where people don't get the same rights as we do here, actually, I suppose I'd never though of it. It's kind of a wake up call though, for all members of the Blogosphere out there though.

Anyhow, that's all for me tonight.

Over and out,

1 comment:

Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Bomb the Blogosphere.

Firefox just wavy-red-underlined "Blogosphere"...I'm digging this version 2 business.