Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And then there was one.

Alright, quick up date on the bunny. On Monday (last week), Puff was put to sleep. Today we received a card in the mail from the clinic at which she was put to sleep stating how sorry they were for our loss. I don't really know what to think of that, but oh well. I'm not so much broken up about it, because I know it was the right thing to do for her, and that she has had a considerably long and happy life. (Not to mention lazy and pampered life.) Mom seems much more broken up by it than I am. She swears she will never have another pet because it's too hard to deal with losing them. I personally think that it's worth it in the end. Hazel seems to be doing alright with out Puff. I don't know if she realizes that Puff isn't coming back yet, but she's doing fine. She's getting pampered more than ever now, gets to run around the gameroom, and get prunes more often, and treats more often.

On a happier note! I got flowers!!! Micky gave me flowers! And they're super pretty. They're some kind of lilly, and they're very pretty. They started out with just two blooms, but now all but one are open, and they're really really pretty, and they're making my entire room smell great! Yay!



Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Awww, you have such a sweet boyfriend!

Unknown said...

Who's this Micky? Does Richard know about this guy? I would be very suspicious if some guy named after a cartoon mouse was giving my girlfriend flowers.