Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bowling for Soup: Almost

I don't quite know why, but I really like this song.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm sick of my mother trying to pry into my life... her newest thing is assuming I've broken up with who ever I may be dating (I say this because she's assumed that I may have even 'moved on' & broken up with someone else. 8-| My mother is weird.)

Anyhows, so the song, hell, I don't want to link it. if you don't know it, you can google bowling for soup 'almost' lyrics. you should get it right off the bat if you do that.

Anyhow, that about sums up life for me right now. Yeahp. I'm going to sleep now.

Goodnight every,


Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

I was there mooching her food, what? Two, three days ago? Geeze...she must see me as a pretty pretentious ex-boyfriend.

Unknown said...
