Monday, November 07, 2005

Breaking Benjamin


Breaking Benjamin is tomorrow night. I'm ready for it. Although, I must admit, I'm not as big a fan of Breaking Benjamin as I am of The Killers. The line up for tomorrow night is much better though. I'm pumped. I really want them to throw in The Killers too, but the concert is gonna rock. It's gonna be freakin' awesome.

EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Breaking Benjamin. Yay!

In other news, took Hazel up to the emergency animal center on Saturday, she spent the night up there, and came back with a furless cheek on Sunday afternoon. Puff is eating again now that Hazel is back. Hazel is eating again now that her cheek isn't the size of Montana. Busy week coming up/upon us... quiz wed. test on tuesday, 4-8P. yay! more time for a test I'm still not ready for.
that's about an hour per question just so you know.
Hazel goes to the vet tomorrow to get a tooth removed, and the abcess drained some more. She is looking pretty pathetic right now. But hopfully, this will make her feel alittle better. It's gonna cost me a small fortune, but you know, some people get electronics, I keep rabbits from dying. What can I say? I have this thing where I just sort of refuse to let an animal die if I can help it. There is no reason for a rabbit to die just because I don't feel like shelling out another paycheck. They deserve better.

anyhow, so I need to go give said rabbit antibiotic pill, and do some reading still tonight. Big day tomorrow.


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