Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Soul Mates

Sorry it's been such a long time - for anyone who may still be out there, or check these things.

I was listening to John Tesh on the radio yesterday, and he had an interesting statement, "94% of singles under the age of 30 believe in soul mates." He went on to claim that people who believe in soul mates are more likely to get divorced than than those who don't because they are more likely to give up when they discover they like someone else, or aren't 100% compatible with their other person without concessions.

This led me down an interesting path that I never really expected to travel down, defining what I consider the term 'soul mates' to mean. Before you ask, yes, I do believe in soul mates. I don't fall into the group that fancies soul mates to be a 156% perfectly compatible without having to ever concede to your significant other. The fact of the matter is that I define soul mates as the person who is not identical to you, or nearly identical to you, but as a person who possesses the Christ-like qualities that you do not. It is in this sense, that you become as one with your significant other. Between the two of you, you possess enough Christ-like qualities to make you feel like you're one divine human. While in reality, no number of people can combine to make one truly divine human, you at least feel like you have come closer than you feel when you're on your own. Do I believe that each person only has one viable soul mate? I'm not quite sure yet, but I do know that certain types of people are drawn to other types, and often it is opposites that do the best in long term relationships together.

What's your take? Do you believe in soul mates? Is there only one out there for you?

My other question is what do you wish for in your life? That is, what is your ultimate goal? On your deathbed what will be the most important thing for you to have accomplished in your life?


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