Saturday, December 30, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Happy and sadness all at once!
And for those of you who think I go through fish quickly, it's not that I go through them quickly, just that I let you know whenever one dies (these glo lights and the gold skirt I bought with my Christmas gift last year, and the algea eater I got this fall).
In happiness area - it is Christmas time!!! I love Christmas time. I love the season, I usually love the weather, I love the message behind it all, I just love it!!! I love giving gifts, and wrapping them, and deciding what to get, and everything. I just love it all! The cookies, the ham, the birthday. This is definitely my favorite holiday ever! I think, perhaps my favorite thing about it though, is the way that everyone seems to chipper up. You always seem to find more poeple who are cheerful, and smiling, and happy to see anyone. It's like suddenly people are willing to sop and help out someone one the street who is having a problem juggling grocerries, or pick up something that's fallen for them, or simple things like holding the door, or helping someone find the spices they are looking for. I believe that these are all things that we should do anytime of the year, no matter what or who. The sad truth is that you tend to see these act more towards the holiday seasons, Christmas in particular. While this is disconsering, it makes it no less wonderful when you do get the rare chance to see this occur. We are a society that is lost in self thought, and hurry. Everything we do, we hurry. We hurry to work, we hurry during our work, we hurry through work, we hurry home, hurry to the grocery store, hurry through the check out. Having a real person check you out isn't fast enough for us, so we've started letting ourselves check ourselves out, so that we can save that extra 30 seconds that it takes to acknowlegde the life of another human in our presence. The we hurry home. We make the 2 minute microwave meals so we don't have to waste time making dinner, then we hurry through dinner, so we can go back to sitting on the couch, and ignoring human life again. Or, we hurry though school work, hurry through a test, hurry through everything. When was the last time you took the extra 45 seconds to hold the door for an elderly person? When was the last time that you skipped that rerun tv show to spend some time with your family? When was the last time you stopped to think about what Christmas is really about?
Christmas is about love, and life. You don't have to be a christian to find meaning in the story of the madgi taking the time to travel a great distance to see a baby. You don't have to be a christian either to find meaning in the story of the shepards taking the time off of the job guarding sheep to go see a baby.
I don't mean to offend anyone who is non-christian or anything like that, but I will remind you that you have the right to not read my blog if you wish, and that I am not looking ofr a fight, just wishing to express myself. Besides, this is my blog.
Anyhow, so to anyone who wishes to think more on this subject, I suggest that you read this song, and just maybe reflect a little, and consider why we celebrate this as the birthday 2000 + years later.
Oh, the other happiness I was gonna write on before I distract myself so well - I had the 'religion' talk with R, and I feel much better now. We only talked breifly, but a couple questions that had been plaguing me were answered, and while there were a few things that caught me of guard, and left me a little uneasy, I feel much better about where we are, and just about life in general. So I did appreciate that quite a bit. :-)
So I do actually need to sleep now.
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope to see you all on Thursday!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tips for driving on ice!
Now, on to the nitty, gritty stuff...
Who here is scared of driving on ice? Show of hands, anyone? Well, you should all be scared of driving on ice. I'm not implying that you're a bad driver on ice, but you should still be scared of driving on ice if not for yourself, then for the other people on the road. Because of this, I have compiled a few helpful hints about driving on ice. Most of the information you see on this page will have come from this website: the top part about skidding (, the bottom random tips ( some of it is stuff I've learned through my past, and through driving in WI, and stuff that I've learned from my parents, who both grew up in an area where have the year was covered by anywhere from 3 to 36+ inches of snow, ice, and generally slick and dangerous devices of Mother Nature (her rebellion for paving her finest lands).
Anyhow, so here are the tips.
Learn how to drive on ice. Know it as an instinct so you can focus on the road around you, and the other drivers instead of just yourself.
Begin braking at least two car lengths before you normally would.
Plan at least twice as long to get where you're going. If you're going on the interstate plan 3 to 4 times as long to get where you need to be.
Get some extra large (60 gallon or more) size trash bags. Keep them in your car with a pair of scissors. When you get somewhere, cut along two adjacent edges, and open up the trashbag, spread it across you windsheild so you don't have spend extra time scrapping your windsheild in the mornings, or after work. Also keep paper towels in your car, wiping off any water left on your windsheild from melting snow will make it easier to get the trash bag off, and any additional snow that makes it way under the trashbag off.
If you have a defroster, use it. Let your car warm up for 5 to 10 minutes while you grab a bite to eat, or fix your hair in the morning. Make sure you can see out of all of your mirrors, and windows.
Be careful of the areas where everyone drives. They tend to be wet longer, but once they freeze, it is hard to tell that they are frozen. That my friends, is what we call black ice. It is okay to drive on snow. The snow will give you more traction than the ice, but it will also make your tires more slick if you get the snow compacted between the grooves in your tires (hard to do but be careful).
Do NOT try to get ice off of your windows using hot water. This will crack the windshield. (You would not believe how many rednecks in my classes have done that.)
Feel the car. Be aware of where it wants to go. Do not make sudden moves, they will just cause you to lose control more rapidly. Turn slowly, adjust slowly.
Be especially careful of high traffic and cross traffic areas - intersections, and lane changes.
If you are in a manual car, give your self plenty of room to manuver around in. You don't want to slide back or forwards into another car.
If you are in an automatic car, give everyone plenty of room to manuver. Pretend everyone around you is in a manual car, and be aware that they may need extra room to get a running start at a hill, or from a stop sign.
In a rear-wheel drive vehicle, you can usually feel a loss of traction or the beginning of a skid. There may be no such warning in a front-wheel drive, however. Front-wheel drives do handle better in ice and snow, but they do not have flawless traction, and skids can occur unexpectedly. Don't let the better feel and handling of a front-wheel drive car cause you to drive faster than you should.
Despite a popular misconception, the best approach to recovering from a skid is the same for foth front and rear-wheel drive vehicles.
If your rear wheels start to skid:
- Turn the steering wheel in the direction you want the front wheels to go. If your rear wheels are sliding left, steer left. If they're sliding right, steer right.
- If your rear wheels start sliding the other way as you recover, ease the steering wheel toward that side. You might have to steer left and right a few times to get your vehicle completely under control.
- If your car has an anti-lock braking system (ABS), keep your foot on the pedal. If not, pump the pedal gently, pumping more rapidly as your car slows down. Braking hard with non-anti-lock brakes will make the skid worse.
If your front wheels skid:
- Take your foot off the accelerator pedal and shift to neutral, but don't try to steer immediately.
- As the wheels skid sideways, they will slow the vehicle and traction will return. As it does, steer in the direction you want to go. Then put the transmission in "drive" or release the clutch, and accelerate gently.
To avoid skids, brake carefully and gently on snow or ice. "Squeeze" your brakes in slow, steady strokes. Allow the wheels to keep rolling. If they start to lock up, ease off the brake pedal. As you slow down, you may also want to shift into a lower gear.
- Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
Carbon monoxide quickly builds up in enclosed areas and it cannot be sensed by your nose.
- Always wear your safety belt.
- Start out slowly in the lowest gear recommended by your vehicle's manufacturer.
- Watch for hazardous road conditions. Take extra care when driving on icy roads and watch out for hard to see patches of ice (black ice). Especially in shady spots and bridges.
- Keep a safe distance of at least five seconds behind other vehicles and trucks that are plowing the road.
- When there is snow on the ground and the sun is very bright - wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and prevent excessive eye fatique.
- Avoid driving when you are tired.
- Always maintain a safe following distance between your car and the vehicle in front. It takes a greater distance to stop on ice and snow.
- Don't pass a snowplow or spreader unless it is absolutely necessary. Treat these as you would emergency response vehicles.
- Don't park along the street. Snowplow drivers can't fully clear a road if cars are in their way
- Always maintain a safe following distance between your car and the vehicle in front. It takes a greater distance to stop on ice and snow.
- Every car has different handling characteristics. You should know what your car can and cannot do in the snow. You should know if it has antilock brakes and traction control, how they work and how they help. In fact, you should practice using these features in an empty parking lot before you have to use them on the roads. See your owner's manual for details.
- If you're nervous about driving in winter, consider spending some time practicing. Go to an empty parking lot and try sending the car into a little skid on purpose. Slam on the brakes, then practice turning into the skid and see what happens--and practice until you're comfortable regaining control of the car. Doing this in a large, empty parking lot allows you the luxury of skidding without ending up flat on your back, looking up into the eyes of several ambulance personnel and police. The more comfortable you are maintaining control and regaining control, the better a winter driver you'll be.
- Drive economically - use a light foot on the accelerator pedal.
- Watch the rear view mirror for vehicles who might rear end you.
Do not use high beams as they only reflect the snow and make it worse. Do not use the cruise control because if and when the tires slip it causes
cars to accelerate and you will lose control of the car. - Drive as if there were eggs on the bottom of your feet--step on the gas
and the brake pedals so gently that you don't break the eggshell.
Well, that's all I've got folks. I hope it's helpful.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
This week!
This week has been great! I'm very much enjoying this not working for more than 2 days straight thing. It's a nice much needed break. Thursday I hung out with Martin and took him out driving, and played Guitar Guitar Hero 2 Revolution with him, and we had fun. I made ribs. They were super easy and really really really good. So we had pig day instead of turkey day! Later in the evening, his girlfriend even came by; it was interesting. She talks! I'd never heard her talk before. I think she's in a bit of a shock most of the time. (She's an only child, so I think being around a family with four kids, all of which have girl friends or boy friends, is a little bit much for her.) Uhm... I went out for Black Friday, found a lot of great deals! Oh, and Wednesday, we got to hang with Alex and Sheena! And I got a super super cool shirt and beanie and wrist thingy and stuff! Alex is officially my hero!
So, asside from the fact that I forgot to get tape, and I missed a few of the BF deals that I wanted, and couldn't quite afford a Wii, this week has been amazing! Not really in one of those surpise Amazing ways, but in one of those kindda everyday, everything has gone alright sort of ways. Oh, and my car is dead, that is bad, but hopefully it'll get fixed soonish.
Anyhow, enough rambling from me.
The OU game is on, and right now we're winning! So I'm going back to the game. GO SOONERS!!! BOOMER! SOONER!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
My blog is working again!!!
Boom baby! I am back!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Life o' de' Liz!
Arrrgh!!!! How the frustrations abound. Anyhow, so yeah.... I think I should stop this now, because I'm really tired. Oh, feel free to bother me this weekend, because my room mate is out of town, just give me a call first. Also, the new Super Target is open, and they have alot of stuff on sale, and I like that. I got the new Killers CD - which, is good, but nowhere near as good as their first CD - for 11 bucks, and some Jones rootbeer. Jones is the best.
If you have any comments on where might be a good place to find some nice cheap pants, I would really appreaciate it.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I survived
My mouth is still sore, but that mostly the insides of my cheeks, and I didn't swell up at all! I still can't eat anything very hard, but that's okay, I like pasta. Anyhow, so enough of that boring shit. I feel like time is slipping away very rapidly. I suppose that's life though. I feel like I still need to get my room in order, but I can't quite seem to figure out what I really want to do with it. I also need to do more homework, and I'm going to get my school books tomorrow, which I'd been putting off as much as possible because I don't want to pay for them. So I guess this may very well be the last post for a while, because I have like 2 or three test here in a week or so.
So, to anyone out there, if you want to do anything, feel free to call me, or IM me, or whatever. I do check blogs and that sort of thing, so that's a fairly good way to go about getting ahold of me too.
I'll catch you all later.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Computer 911
Anyhow, so yes, I think that's about it for me right now. I'll try to take over Richard's computer shortly still. Oh, and you should start emailing my accounts that don't include in the address. I'll catch you all later. bye.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
It got me thinking...
Thrown tortillas at cows while driving down an interstate: $3
Stuck half a double stuffed Oreo to a street sign by throwing out a car window: $2.50
Driven over 20 miles away for the hell of driving: $5
Left the state just to get away: $60
Been crabbing: $2
Had real clam chowder: $6.50
Lit a Pokemon card on fire: $4 (they burn blue and spark)
Blown an entire paycheck on pet(s): $52 (a long time ago)
Flown a kite: $0.88
Fed the ducks: $0.96
Acted childish: $2
Gone windsurfing: $15
Flown a plane: $60
Had the world's best chicken noodle soup: $0
Killed a crab: $15
Been to Canada: $60 (Canadian)
Been to Mexico: $80
Been to Germany: $800 + $100 (the 100 in Euro then at 86 cents to 1 Euro)
Regretted something: $12.50
Driven more than ten miles for a drink: $6.50
Smashed a penny with a hammer: $.01
Played penny poker: $0
Played candy poker and won: $6
Bought food to give away: $50
Just needed to play with bubbles: $2
Given a thong as a gift: $7.50
Loved someone but didn't tell them: $5
Okay, out of ideas, so here's the last one:
Been crazy: priceless
In other news... 5 days left until I leave. Uhmmm... about 10 left until I get back. I will probably not have internet while I'm gone so I'm sorry if I don't keep up with things for a while in there. Have no fear, I will be back some time around the middle of the day on the day that Pirates comes out. Having driven all night to get back for work, then working until sometime around 7:30, I may not be very awake, but I still expect to see everyone there. If you didn't get my e-mail about it then you need to contact me for exact details, but we're doing Pirates, the 12:01 am showing between thurs. the 6th, and fri. the 7th, dressed as pirates, because, well, it's more fun to make a fool of yourself when you can blame it on something like a movie openning.
Maybe we can do dinner in Bricktown quick before the movie, I don't know what everyone thinks about that, then get in line around 9 or so. 3 hours early should be enough right? Well, I think so. If not, I'm sorry. You can leave question/comments/complaints here. I don't know how the theater is for being busy before the movie starts and stuff like that.
Anyhow, so that's my update for now, hope to update again before leaving, maybe. See everyone on Wed.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Kiss Me Deadly
"Kiss Me Deadly"
I went to a party last saturday night,
I didnt get laid I got in a fight
uh huh, it aint no big thing (really?)
late for my job and the traffic was bad
had to borrow ten bucks from travis's dad
uh huh, it aint no big thing
I went to a party last saturday night,
I told you that story and I'll be allright
uh huh, it aint no big thing
but I know what I like
I know I like dancin with you
And I know what you like,
I know you like dancin with me
kiss me once, kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
kiss me once, kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
had a few beers, gettin high
sittin, watchin the time go by
uh huh, it aint no big thing
nothin to eat and no tv
lookin in the mirror dont do it for me
uh huh, it aint to big thing
but I know what I like
I know I like dancin with you
and I know what you like
I know you like dancin with me
(dance with me!)
kiss me once
kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
kiss me once
kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
(well I know you like dancin with me)
kiss me once, kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
kiss me once
kiss me twice
come on pretty baby kiss me
come on pretty baby kiss me
come on pretty baby kiss me deadly
kiss me deadly
went to a party last night
I didnt get laid
(and I fell into the jacuzzi)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Anyhow, to anyone there last night, I'm really sorry for the quick leave and such. It was a promise that still didn't quite pan through. Anyhow, so I'm sorry about that.
At least it is finally over. Tomorrow begins the 40 hour weeks for me, which will probably last until the end of this summer. One week off in there for my grandparents 50th wedding aniversary. so I totally gotta milk that week for all the fun and relaxation I can possibly get.
Tonight I MUST bowl. It is necessarry for my health that I go bowling. 156% necessarry. So even if I'm the only person there. I'm bowling. I'm so tired. Oh well. Today is sunday, and I feel like food before I start some relaxation. So I think I'm gonna find some food before some reading or games.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Ha ha ha!!
Sorry, it looked soo bad, I had to share.
As taken from NetFlix:
For the young students at a strict Catholic boarding school for girls, one particular nun (Cristina Piaget) made their lives a living hell -- until she miraculously disappeared, ending the torment. Years later, however, when the school's alumnae begin dropping off one by one, the survivors can't help but feel a familiar and menacing presence among them. Banding together, they strike out to send this twisted sister from whence she came!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Super saturated
My brain feels like it is super-saturated. like everything is so full, and blurry up there, that it all gets mixed up, condensed, turned into ice, then you can't possibly extract any sort of information because it's all covered in 12 inches of ice. So you sit in the middle of a test, and watch the little people in your head try to chip through the layers and layers of ice only to come to the realization that you're running out of time, you have 3/4s of a test remaining, and another 9 inches to go. So in the remaining half an hour, you sit there shaking your head around, trying to get the shards of ice out of your ears, while gazing off into space beyond your paper, scribling random shit on the page, and hoping that the person grading might give partial credit.
By the time the test is over, the little people have chipped through 7 inches of ice, and managed to lose an eye, leg, and 2 arms in the process. So now what do you have?
You have 2 little people in your head, one missing an eye, and arm, the other missing an arm, leg, and terribly annoyed with the chisle that stuck in their chest. So basically, you're SOL. Your little people are no longer capable of chipping ice, and there is another 5 inches of ice encasing your brain. So what do you do now?
You go home. You take a hot shower, hoping that it will thaw the ice. Then when you discover that is is still thoroughly frozen you go to sleep for a few hours before you get up again, and force you little people to attempt to chisel through the ice with their fingernails and teeth.
Anyhow, so that's the feeling,
I need to leave soon for my test, so I'm gonna see if i can't consume some of this remaining studying.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Phish & Fish
Anyhow, so Phish is acting weird, he's kindda bloated looking, and is swimming weird. he's been running into the glass on the corners a lot. Just really weird for him.
Since I lost my catfish a few days ago, I'm kindda worried I might have a diease going around my tank. I just really hope it's not dropsy or anything like that, because dropsy is gross. Anyhow, so I gave him a pea, gonna let him be for tonight, and do a 50% water change tomorrow. Hopefully that will fix everything. If not, I'll prob. lose the fish, or end up medicating him, eitherway, I don't really like what's gonna happen.
It just figures, right around finals is when you start to have problems in your tank. R. has been having all sorts of problems with his tank within the last two weeks or so, and my catfish just keeledd over, no warning signs or anything, now Phish is looking weird and bloated... not good.
Oh, Mark and I named out Betta. We named it Ferndinand. He's very pretty, bright red, with fancy fins. He's kindda boring though. Oh well.
Anyhow, so that's it for me for now.
~ liz
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Ode to Jet Li
Jet Li was a good one, he was active and energetic, and tons of fun to watch. He'd take what the others wouldn't, he was passive, but wouldn't let the others bully him around. He was very pretty, and shiny, and the life of the tank. Oh, Jet Li, how I will miss you... until I buy another similiar of your kind.
RIP jet Li
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Please forgive my pasty whiteness and my "golden rod" yellow socks.
In other news...
I now how Word Verification on my posts:
"Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive.
Before we can turn off mandatory word verification on your posts we'll need to have a human review your blog and verify that it is not a spam blog. Please fill out the form below to get a review."
Oh well, I'm gonna quit complaining now, and do some homeworking.
Catch you all later,
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
new sudoku w/answer... highlight to reveal answer.
| | | | | | 2 | 8 | 6 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 7 | 1 |
| | | | | | 4 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 9 |
| | | | | | 1 | 9 | 7 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 8 |
| | | | | | 6 | 7 | 9 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3 |
| | | | | | 5 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 7 | 9 | 4 |
| | | | | | 3 | 1 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 9 | 2 | 5 | 6 |
7 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 6 | 9 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 6 | 2 |
4 | 8 | 3 | 9 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 9 | 3 | 5 |
6 | 1 | 9 | 7 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
2 | 9 | 4 | 8 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 6 | | | | | | |
8 | 6 | 1 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | | | | | |
3 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 8 | 9 | | | | | | |
9 | 7 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 6 | 1 | 5 | | | | | | |
5 | 3 | 6 | 1 | 9 | 7 | 4 | 2 | 8 | | | | | | |
1 | 4 | 8 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 9 | 7 | | | | | | |