Saturday, November 25, 2006

This week!


This week has been great! I'm very much enjoying this not working for more than 2 days straight thing. It's a nice much needed break. Thursday I hung out with Martin and took him out driving, and played Guitar Guitar Hero 2 Revolution with him, and we had fun. I made ribs. They were super easy and really really really good. So we had pig day instead of turkey day! Later in the evening, his girlfriend even came by; it was interesting. She talks! I'd never heard her talk before. I think she's in a bit of a shock most of the time. (She's an only child, so I think being around a family with four kids, all of which have girl friends or boy friends, is a little bit much for her.) Uhm... I went out for Black Friday, found a lot of great deals! Oh, and Wednesday, we got to hang with Alex and Sheena! And I got a super super cool shirt and beanie and wrist thingy and stuff! Alex is officially my hero!

So, asside from the fact that I forgot to get tape, and I missed a few of the BF deals that I wanted, and couldn't quite afford a Wii, this week has been amazing! Not really in one of those surpise Amazing ways, but in one of those kindda everyday, everything has gone alright sort of ways. Oh, and my car is dead, that is bad, but hopefully it'll get fixed soonish.

Anyhow, enough rambling from me.

The OU game is on, and right now we're winning! So I'm going back to the game. GO SOONERS!!! BOOMER! SOONER!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i glad u had good week and i do think ribs beat turkey so it ok. i also went out on black friday and found some dvds and stuff. bye