Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Super saturated

a simple show of hands... how many people are out there with the same feeling as I have...

My brain feels like it is super-saturated. like everything is so full, and blurry up there, that it all gets mixed up, condensed, turned into ice, then you can't possibly extract any sort of information because it's all covered in 12 inches of ice. So you sit in the middle of a test, and watch the little people in your head try to chip through the layers and layers of ice only to come to the realization that you're running out of time, you have 3/4s of a test remaining, and another 9 inches to go. So in the remaining half an hour, you sit there shaking your head around, trying to get the shards of ice out of your ears, while gazing off into space beyond your paper, scribling random shit on the page, and hoping that the person grading might give partial credit.
By the time the test is over, the little people have chipped through 7 inches of ice, and managed to lose an eye, leg, and 2 arms in the process. So now what do you have?
You have 2 little people in your head, one missing an eye, and arm, the other missing an arm, leg, and terribly annoyed with the chisle that stuck in their chest. So basically, you're SOL. Your little people are no longer capable of chipping ice, and there is another 5 inches of ice encasing your brain. So what do you do now?

You go home. You take a hot shower, hoping that it will thaw the ice. Then when you discover that is is still thoroughly frozen you go to sleep for a few hours before you get up again, and force you little people to attempt to chisel through the ice with their fingernails and teeth.

Anyhow, so that's the feeling,
I need to leave soon for my test, so I'm gonna see if i can't consume some of this remaining studying.


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