Sunday, May 14, 2006


Not so much a bad ugh, just sort of an ugh. School is finally over. I don't feel like I did well on my finals at all, which is really disconcerting, since all of my finals were at least 20% of my total grade in the class.

Anyhow, to anyone there last night, I'm really sorry for the quick leave and such. It was a promise that still didn't quite pan through. Anyhow, so I'm sorry about that.

At least it is finally over. Tomorrow begins the 40 hour weeks for me, which will probably last until the end of this summer. One week off in there for my grandparents 50th wedding aniversary. so I totally gotta milk that week for all the fun and relaxation I can possibly get.

Tonight I MUST bowl. It is necessarry for my health that I go bowling. 156% necessarry. So even if I'm the only person there. I'm bowling. I'm so tired. Oh well. Today is sunday, and I feel like food before I start some relaxation. So I think I'm gonna find some food before some reading or games.


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