Thursday, January 26, 2006

a bit of life, & goals for this semester.

Alright, so just for the record, I'm putting this semester's goals in the blog so that I'm accountable.
Goals for this semester:
  • Get straight As. I really think this one is possible assuming I can get my pathetic ass up in time for class. Which, is a must for the rest of this semester, because I've already missed 2 classes of piano, and after/at 3 missed classes, I lose a letter grade.
  • Get on a normal sleep schedule. I think this will be alot easier this semester, because all my first thing in the morning classes are at 9:30. Ofcourse, I'd like to be able to be up and ready to go by 8 in the morning, and use that time in between to do studying & stuff.
  • Get into the habbit of keeping my room, car, etc. clean & in order. It really bothers me when I don't have a spotless room, so I think just by doing that I can tone down some of the stress in my life.
  • Get an after hours job. (I mean after 5:00 pm job) To make me feel better about myself, and stop always being broke. Also to consume some of my time.
  • Figure out what I want to do with my life.
  • Keep my fish & rabbits clean. (You'll see why later)
  • Keep on top of my homework. Definitely a good thing. I used to be really really good at this, and now, I just don't so much prioritize it, and I think it is important to do so.
Anyhow, so that's all of the goals.

To the bit of life... I lost 2 glo-fin tetras. I don't know how in the world I managed to lose the fish, but I can't find them anywhere. They weren't small enough to get sucked up in the filter, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. There aren't even dead fish anywhere. There aren't fish floating on the top, there aren't fish on the bottom, there aren't fish around my filter, I have no clue what happened to the fish. oh well, oh, and none of the others are big enough to eat them.

Oh, I've decided I can't/don't want to hack it as an Engineer, so I'm kindda chillin' out this semester, trying to find out what I want to do with the rest of my life. Please, please, please don't pester me about it. I haven't told my parents yet, they would freak, i'm freakin' out a bit about it, and I feel really crummy for it. Leo told me I couldn't hack it as an Engineer, and I was all set to prove him wrong, but as always, he was right. He was always right. :( Silly me for ever thinking I was better than him. Oh well. I'll find my passion soon enough, and prove that i'm the best at whatever it is I do. A little late to be trying to figure that out, I realize, but oh well.

Anyhow, so I think that about sums it up for me for right now.
So I'll catch you all later,

1 comment:

FlutinKat said...

Eh, you don't have to be the best at whatever you do; you just have to be good enough to make a comfortable living with it. (Except in music; you don't make a comfortable living no matter what you do).

Perhaps you should try one of the other sciences? It also might be a real possibility (like you were saying, I think I remember) to look into psychology. Lots of definite facts, creative answers, and logic. I don't remember what I said over IM two weeks ago, so sorry if I repeat myself.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Hope I helped a little.