Oh, how cute is he?
Anyhow, so this first one is at the Tribute ("1964"), concert. Whoo!! So, I have another one, that is kindda a video clip, but I don't want to hurt your ears like that, and I didn't really want to deal with the affects of Richard being on the internet singing with a goofy look on his face. So, if you want to see it, come hunt me down.
Tribute was Friday night, loads of fun!!!
Saturday I went with Richard to the Band Banquette, which was, well... It was kindda long. Good food, a couple of people from the past, a realization that it would be really easy to just sort of dress like a person in the band and just sort of blend in. Also it brought back the immense want to play the French Horn again.
Also, I'd like to say that this guy (<<<<<) is one of the greatest guys ever. For any men out

Anyhow, so I think I'm gonna stop embarrassing him now. Bowling tonight, so probably more photos in a bit day or two!!!!!
Catch ya'll later,
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