Alrighty, so tonight, after dinner, we had our first guest speaker, James Mclurkin. He has these little robots he builds with his team. Either way, he's freakin' awesome. James brought with him some of his little swarmbots, which you see in the back ground here. He's a pretty cool guy, really eneregtic, and fun. He just graduated from MIT, and now works for iRobot. (the company, not the movie) You may have heard of iRobot from their very useful bots including roomba, and pacbot. James, however, is working on these wonderful little robots called swarmbots. They are really cool, and quite nifty. They do all sorts of fun things, and what not, but they make noise (sing) and even light up, follow the leader, disperse, come together, and orbit. But they look nifty when they are like live and what not. Anyhow though, so I'm very tired, and I think I've given you plenty to chew on here. So I hope you all enjoy this, and I wish to make it known that his webpage is not really finished, and he said that he would add video of the swarmbots in action before too long. So, you might want to check back there sooner or later.
Anyway, I have to sleep now, so goodnight, sleep well, sweet dreams, take care, and yeah, just be happy. Later, MEO
PS - tomorrow (friday) is the seeding for regular botball, and all of beyond botball. 1:30 - 5:00, they will have a live webcast going to show the entire seeding rounds here. I'm sorry, but they aren't showing the beyond botball on there at all. They will also show the regular botball double elimination rounds on Sunday, from 1:30-5. So, I would suggest that you also check that one out. It should be pretty cool. Later, Elizabeth. bye
wow, I'm not sure if my boyfriend would let me get away with having pictures of strange men on my blog.
LOL, wait until I put up the other pictures from this. There aren't very many guys here, and some of them are kindda cute.
Sean, when were you going to tell me you had a boyfriend? I get to meet him, right?
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