Okay, so maybe they aren't quite robots yet, but as you can see, we got in our XBC version 2s from Charmed labs recently, and are preparing/currently upload(ing) the firmware on to each and everyone one of them, before we upload and run the test program, also on every one of them. On each shelf, there are half a dozen XBCs. As you can see, in the bottom right of the picture, this requires quite a bit of charging, and power. There are 6 power stips there, each with 3 of their power adapters on them. So, the visions hold true, I am creating an army of robots, and if that holds true, so will the fact that Richard will have a gay boy flute player, who isn't really gay, just really fruity. (Richard, I would suggest you lean him towards peaches, or strawberries, everyone likes those.) Another important thing to note about this photo, is that it was taken in our conference room... we have taken over our conference room, so we can charge XBCs enough to download the firmware onto them. Matthew had his laptop there today to use for the downloading, and I will have mine there tomorrow. (I finally downloaded IC onto it... that may prove useful.) For all of you non-technical people out there who have no clue what I'm talking about, the XBC is a combination of three things: a Gameboy Advanced, a Xport board (the one that acts as the cartridge that you put into the GBA), and the XBC board (this board is plugged into the xport board, and is where you plug all the sensors, the camera, and motors into). It's a really nifty device. I'm happy to annouce that the XBC version 2 is alot better than the XBC version one; it has a better battery enclosure, one that you can actually connect legos to, it has a better battery, it has a much better power adapter & power system altogether, you can actually run it while charging it now.
Thus far, I have avoided the XBC altogether, beyond the testing and rebuilding/building/fixing of it that we have done in the lab. I have not written any code for it at all, I have not even worked on any of the code. I feel inspired by the funness that is this better board to now attempt to play with it some. I know that I can't break it because, well, because I have fixed almost all of them that have come back broken. Short of scratching up the actual board, or breaking it over my knee, there really isn't anything that can go wrong with it that I can't fix anymore. (We've had to fix so many of these, that we got to the point where we could direct people how to fix it themselves over the phone, and know exactly what was wrong with it.) But anyhow, so I'm sure that this is boring most of you to tears, but just wait until tomorrow, when I post some of my calculus notes on here.
It really is a fun course, but not because of what we are being taught, simply because of who I am taking with. (Oh, and I got an 85% on that last test I took the Monday before I had to leave!!!! I'm amazed, I would have guessed about a 72% on that one. But this means that I only need a 74% with the bonus points I already have to make an A in the class!!!! Yay!!! No more calculus!!!! Woot!)
Anyhow, so I'm gonna get back to reading Harry Potter, which, I'm quite sad to say, I haven't gotten very far into yet, and let you all get back to doing something more fun.
Catch you later, Have a good day,
Your blog always bores people to tears.
well damn it, you should be more technical, and understand this, then it wouldn't be boring to you.
What's with the negativity anonymous? If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.
but you forget that everyone is entitled to their own opinions
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