Friday, July 29, 2005
Beowulf is better!
I'll catch you all later.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Beowulf & strep
In the mean time, on Tuesday morning, I managed to accidentally kick my computer, off of my night stand, where it sets during the hours that it is not in use, and destoy the screen on it. Not yay. So, either way, I have accidental injury on it, and 3 year warranty, and all that good stuff that cost an arm and a leg. At this point in time, I'm actually happy that I spent that additional like 300 bucks to make sure they will fix it for me when I do stupid stuff like this. Knowing myself and that there would undoubtedly be some time that I do something like this is useful. I have dropped it before, but it's never hurt it then.
Anyhow though, so the accidental injury is the only sort of insurance thing that covers the screen, and man, and I glad that I have it now. So I called up Dell, and said, I broke my screen! Help me! They said, (this was a little girl most likely in India, with a thick accent) let me check to see that you have the proper stuff that we can help you.
Having just gotten past the whole contagious bit the day prior, and having to take Hazel into the vet to get her teeth trimmed again (which, by the way, they offered me her teeth, the onces they'd just trimmed off, in a medicine bottle to keep --- gross!!!!!!!), I decided to stay home from work. (a great comfort to the elderly ladies I work with, I garuntee you.) So anyhow, I stay home, waiting for this one stupid phone call. About 2 o'clock, I decide it isn't going to come. So I call up the new number that they gave me to get a hold of them (Dell) with, and I give them the walk through, and they said they'd talk to the people again, and looked up where the screen was, and couldn't find where the screen was, and pretty much, they were completely lost on the whole thing. During the all of the encounters with Dell support, they continue to ask, "I'm just going to look up your account here quick, and review it. Will you please hold for 3-5 minutes," or "I'm going to call the company quick. Elizabeth, will you please hold for 10-13 minutes." etc.
They would also ask for my name when ever I was transferred to a different person. it was kindda eerie like.
Either way, so the next day, today, Thursday, I get a call in the morning, and set up an appointment with the guy to come and replace my screen. He says he's going to be here, at my house, between 1:30 & 3:30. So I wait around all day, for him to show up, and fix my computer. At about 4:15, I've given up on him, and I call Dell again, who proceeds to tell me that they have sent me an e-mail summarizing my case to me. I'm thinking, how the hell does that help me? I can't even get on the computer to check my e-mail, because I don't have a freakin' workin' screen. Anyhow, so they continue to tell me that they can't do anything about it, and that I should call back the person who is supposed to be coming to my house. So I call him back, and get voice mail. I leave a message. Yay! There is all sorts of fun. Anyhow, so I left for school, and by the time I'd got back, he wants me to call him back, and arrange another time that he can come by and fix my computer, I'm thinking, what, so you can just ignore it again? But anyhow, so it sounds like I won't have Beowulf all fixed again for a little bit longer still.
Anyhow, it is dinner time, so I will catch you all later. Bye, have a good day,
Friday, July 22, 2005
calc notes & Richard gets back soon!!!!!!
On a much happier note, my boyfriend gets back tomorrow!!!! Yeah, or at least, I think it is tomorrow, but it's either tomorrow or Sunday, either way, it is soon!!!! Richard time! So, here's the deal, I left for Florida on the 12th of July, and he left for Louisiana on the 17th of July. I got back from Florida on the 18th of July, just missing him, how sad is that? Well, I think it is sad. But anyhow, so here it is, now the 22nd of July, and he is going to be back tomorrow or the day after, so I haven't seen him, or actually verbally talked to him for about 2 weeks. But he will be back soon!!! And the Elizabeth rejoices!! Yay!!!! (If you can't tell, I've kindda missed having him around. Norman is alright without him here, but not nearly as fun, and unfortunately, Florida wasn't really fun at all, but I think it would have been better with him there. Anyhow, so that's enough from me, I figure I ought to finish Harry Potter before game night tomorrow, so I'm gonna go work on that.

Thursday, July 21, 2005
I have a robot army!!!! Muhhahahhahaaaaa!!!!
Okay, so maybe they aren't quite robots yet, but as you can see, we got in our XBC version 2s from Charmed labs recently, and are preparing/currently upload(ing) the firmware on to each and everyone one of them, before we upload and run the test program, also on every one of them. On each shelf, there are half a dozen XBCs. As you can see, in the bottom right of the picture, this requires quite a bit of charging, and power. There are 6 power stips there, each with 3 of their power adapters on them. So, the visions hold true, I am creating an army of robots, and if that holds true, so will the fact that Richard will have a gay boy flute player, who isn't really gay, just really fruity. (Richard, I would suggest you lean him towards peaches, or strawberries, everyone likes those.) Another important thing to note about this photo, is that it was taken in our conference room... we have taken over our conference room, so we can charge XBCs enough to download the firmware onto them. Matthew had his laptop there today to use for the downloading, and I will have mine there tomorrow. (I finally downloaded IC onto it... that may prove useful.) For all of you non-technical people out there who have no clue what I'm talking about, the XBC is a combination of three things: a Gameboy Advanced, a Xport board (the one that acts as the cartridge that you put into the GBA), and the XBC board (this board is plugged into the xport board, and is where you plug all the sensors, the camera, and motors into). It's a really nifty device. I'm happy to annouce that the XBC version 2 is alot better than the XBC version one; it has a better battery enclosure, one that you can actually connect legos to, it has a better battery, it has a much better power adapter & power system altogether, you can actually run it while charging it now.
Thus far, I have avoided the XBC altogether, beyond the testing and rebuilding/building/fixing of it that we have done in the lab. I have not written any code for it at all, I have not even worked on any of the code. I feel inspired by the funness that is this better board to now attempt to play with it some. I know that I can't break it because, well, because I have fixed almost all of them that have come back broken. Short of scratching up the actual board, or breaking it over my knee, there really isn't anything that can go wrong with it that I can't fix anymore. (We've had to fix so many of these, that we got to the point where we could direct people how to fix it themselves over the phone, and know exactly what was wrong with it.) But anyhow, so I'm sure that this is boring most of you to tears, but just wait until tomorrow, when I post some of my calculus notes on here.
It really is a fun course, but not because of what we are being taught, simply because of who I am taking with. (Oh, and I got an 85% on that last test I took the Monday before I had to leave!!!! I'm amazed, I would have guessed about a 72% on that one. But this means that I only need a 74% with the bonus points I already have to make an A in the class!!!! Yay!!! No more calculus!!!! Woot!)
Anyhow, so I'm gonna get back to reading Harry Potter, which, I'm quite sad to say, I haven't gotten very far into yet, and let you all get back to doing something more fun.
Catch you later, Have a good day,
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
this last week...

first off, I'm sorry that I didn't get around to posting a blog yesterday. You must understand though, when you're too tired to read Harry Potter, you should be asleep. As a result of my post-ponement of posting earlier, I'll have you all know, that I am currently not reading Harry Potter, just so that i can post this for you.
(In other words, you'd better enjoy it.)
The basics of the trip... it was generally good, a few incidents with highschoolers hazing middle schoolers, and theft and stuff like that, all of which were easily, and quickly solved. I hope none of you were expecting me to bring you anything, because I did not see anything asside from the college, and the airport, food, and the bed. I was hoping to make it over to the college bookstore, but alas, did not have a chance to. Anyhow, so there are no goodies from Florida, I'm sorry. (I didn't even see the beach.)
I did meet a couple of really cool guys while I was there though, Ed and John. They're twins about our age. They represented the University of Maryland in the beyond botball portion of the week. They're both pretty technical, and very nice. Anyhow, so they very successfully lead their UMD straigt into the loser's bracket, and out of the tournament, but they did score points for DOL (Andy, Patrick, and Matt's team). Either way, they had a really nifty robot; it used mouse traps to launch empty pop cans half way across the playing field. Nifty awesome. I have a picture of the other robot, which is in this.

All said and done, although it was not at all relaxing, or even really a vacation, it was alright, and I believe I can say that I had a good amount of fun, at least, considerably more than I was expecting to have, knowing that I was going with a bunch of people who have kids my age.
Anyhow, so now, it is time to sleep,
goodnight, sweet dreams, take care, sleep well,
Monday, July 18, 2005
Los Altos got first in seeding.
Congrats to all those NHS botball peeps.
Things I'm glad are here that I really missed:
my pillow
my car
the tv.
my bed as a whole
no humidity
my down comforter
a shower with a good shower head
classic 50s
my bank
my music
etc. etc.
(and Richard if he were here, but alas, he is not.)
other friends.
shower (you get the point)
I will go more into the details of the whole trip tomorrow, and tell you all more about John and Ed. (Uber cool guys ya'll) Right now, it is time for sleep, so goodnight, sleep well sweet dreams, take care. Later, MEO
Thursday, July 14, 2005
James Mclurkin
Alrighty, so tonight, after dinner, we had our first guest speaker, James Mclurkin. He has these little robots he builds with his team. Either way, he's freakin' awesome. James brought with him some of his little swarmbots, which you see in the back ground here. He's a pretty cool guy, really eneregtic, and fun. He just graduated from MIT, and now works for iRobot. (the company, not the movie) You may have heard of iRobot from their very useful bots including roomba, and pacbot. James, however, is working on these wonderful little robots called swarmbots. They are really cool, and quite nifty. They do all sorts of fun things, and what not, but they make noise (sing) and even light up, follow the leader, disperse, come together, and orbit. But they look nifty when they are like live and what not. Anyhow though, so I'm very tired, and I think I've given you plenty to chew on here. So I hope you all enjoy this, and I wish to make it known that his webpage is not really finished, and he said that he would add video of the swarmbots in action before too long. So, you might want to check back there sooner or later.
Anyway, I have to sleep now, so goodnight, sleep well, sweet dreams, take care, and yeah, just be happy. Later, MEO
PS - tomorrow (friday) is the seeding for regular botball, and all of beyond botball. 1:30 - 5:00, they will have a live webcast going to show the entire seeding rounds here. I'm sorry, but they aren't showing the beyond botball on there at all. They will also show the regular botball double elimination rounds on Sunday, from 1:30-5. So, I would suggest that you also check that one out. It should be pretty cool. Later, Elizabeth. bye
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
the situation as it is currently
From earlier today >>>>
/*The situation as it stands currently, at 9:13 in the AM; I’m in the Houston International airport. Let’s see… what is there to mention? Oh yes, my flight doesn’t start boarding until 9:50, and I am bored. I read some more of Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy on the last flight. Whoo! I can read!!! That in itself is exciting. Uhmm… there is wireless here, but they’re charging $10 for 24 hours, and there is no way I’m going to use 24 hours of wireless in this airport, even on the way back. I don’t think I even come back through this airport on the way back. I don’t remember though, I’ll look it up later. I’m sure that Rodney would be able to figure out how to get into it anyhow for free, but I don’t really feel like stealing internet right now, or like using my brain at all. Besides, I was told that we have wireless access at the homestead, and at the convention center, so most likely, that is where this will be posted from. So far into the trip: I love flying. I really really love flying. It is soooo much fun. I love taking off, not so much landing, but not because I’m scared something will go wrong, but because of the ear popping on the way down. (for some reason, it seems to be worse on the way down.) I got to see the sun rise this morning in
Ooooo! All call for
From now: >>
Well, keeping with typical Florida, it has been raining, on and off, and hot, and sticky, and just really gross. I hate humidity. My hair has pretty much doubled in size, not cool. Not cool at all. Anyhow, so we pretty much know our way around our little corner of Jacksonville now. It has been all sorts of funness, and turn arounds, and what not, but we have two of the three people that we are supposed to get checked in to the dorms tonight checked in. The last person we're supposed t0 go pick up at the airport at 10 something. I'm really kindda bored. We've been doing alot of running around, and not really accomplished anything, but we now know where everything on campus is, and how to get to campus, and where the food around us is. We've found 2 Quizno's, 3 Starbucks, a handfull of assorted grocery stores, a few different chinese restraunts, a McDonalds, a Burger King, and everything else we can possible ever need, including the printers, the sign makers, and a Krystal's, which we ate at for lunch, has free wi-fi, and seems to be an imitation of White Castle, with the tiny burgers and all.
We are free and clear of all of the storms here. If we do catch one, it will be when we're supposed to be flying out.
Our room is really nice, we have two rooms to make up our suite. One with a kitchen area, and bar, and sitting area w/tv, and fold out couch, and bathroom; the other with the two beds, and tv, and bathroom & desk. We have a pretty sweet deal going for us here. We've got our fridge stocked with juice, and cokes, and our wireless access which is better than dandy. We have our own separate bathrooms (how sweet is that?). It's about the same cost as the dorms, and is only 5 minutes away.
I'm here!!
Later, MEO
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Era 3: A new home
Later, and happy new era,
Today was good, & I have the greatest boyfriend.
Nifty funness: They [work] gave me money to spend when I need to buy anything in Florida - food, drinks, anything like that, just not like personal spending. It is freakin' awesome! I didn't even know they would do that. It makes me happy. :) They actually trust me. Well, I knew that some of them did, but now I know that they all trust me. It's really like a business trip. It's gonna be fun. If nothing else, it looks good on the resume.
Not so nifty or funness: I got all not feeling well this afternoon, not good. I had to leave work an hour early. Well, a little over an hour early. I kept trying to wait it out, and it just didn't work, so whatever. I came home, took a bath, and went to sleep. I like sleep.
On the rebound: I woke up around 5:10 ish or so in the evening. so, I slept for like two hours or something like that. But either way, I then proceeded to getting the CDs, and gas and stuff, and got my parents to buy dinner. That's a plus. then, we fed the animals at the duck pond, and got another duck to jump, and even Richard got Earl to jump. Earl is cool, he rocks. Uhm... yeah, then we went and saw a dollar movie: A lot like Love. It was really good. I enjoyed it alot. It was funny, and cute, and had <3 <3 Ashton Kutcher <3 <3 in it. Negligible in the long run, since I went with Richard, but it was an awesome movie. Oh yeah, somewhere in all of that, we went to Petsmart, and got rabbit food, and litter for while I'm gone. I'm trying out this new 'fresh scent' litter that they have, since I'm gonna be gone for like a week. It is stinking up my whole room. I think I almost prefer the rabbit smell. But whatever. My head is killing me, so I'm gonna call this a post.
Later, have a good evening/day/morning,
Friday, July 08, 2005
I finished the fileboxes, and everything else that needed to be done for our Nationals. Everything is boxed up, and ready to be shipped. Whoo! Work was long, but uneventful, almost monotonous. But I'm kindda looking forward to going to Florida. I will have a couple of half days off here and there, nothing much, but enough to have a bit of fun. I'll be mostly on my own. I get meals with the other staff, and I'm gonna stay with the other staff members, and I have to work the conference. But asside from that, I'll be on my own if I want to have fun for a half day or two. Also, I'm the only one really working the conference who is under like 30. It will be kindda boring.
Oh well. the major plus: it is being held on the campus of Florida University, Jacksonville, so I will have wireless the whole time, and our 'homestead' will have wireless the whole time. That will be good. I will be able to keep in some sort of contact with everyone here. Still doesn't fix the fact that I'll be all Richardless for extended periods of time, but cest la vie.
I think that just about covers everything for today, tomorrow is pay day. CD splurge day!!! Buy rabbit food and stuff day, get tag renewed day, possibly fix hair day, etc. General get ready for trip day. Whoo. i have to work shortly though, so I'm gonna get some sleep.
Goodnight, sleep well, sweet dreams, take care, goodnight.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
It is sleep time, so I'm going to try to make this quick
Richard's shorts are frontin'
The turtle is eating the sheit!
Craig Ferguson is appauled by Regis's impression of his accent.
Oh yeah, and my tag expired in June.
Okay, I think that's all for today, if you want to know more of what I learned, you can check out Rodney's blog, it is quite facinating.
A quick look into the future:
Tuesday, at the butt crack of dawn, I leave for Florida, I won't be back until like 4 in the afternoon on the following Monday. Whoo! My first 'business' trip. I know that probably doesn't mean a whole lot, but I'm kindda hoping to get to go to Hawaii with them one of these years, because that would be incredibly awesome. It's incredibly awesome that I'm going this time actually. I mean, they're paying for my food, and my hotel room, and the rental car (since I'm not yet old enough to rent one) is my boss, and it's gonna be fun, I hope. But either way, it's an experience, that will look good later on in life. Plus, I'm hoping to do a good enough job at it, that they 'need' me to go to others in the future. What can I say? I love airplanes, and I love to travel. The one big down side to this all, is that I'm going to miss out on all the fun that you guys are having around here for a week, including Tuesday lunchday, and as I understand it, I'm gonna miss Richard, Alex and Sheena for a grand total of two weeks, since they are to be leaving just before I am arriving. It is sad, I know. I'm gonna be all like boyfriendless for two weeks. But he will be having fun, and that's definately a good thing. I will hopefully be having fun while I'm not working, also a good thing, and definately be sleeping more, a wonderful thing as well. In the end, I don't know if this is gonna be as fun as I hope it will be, since I'm the only one under 30ish who will be there working, and not on a team, but it will definately be an experience, and it will be not OK. And I'm gonna miss Richard, but don't tell him that.
Anyhow, it is time for me to sleep, gotta be at work bright and early at 9 am tomorrow morning. Goodnight, sleep well, sweet dreams, take care. Bye, MEO
PS. I'm sorry it was so long, it was alot longer than I intended it to be.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Duck pond!
Over and Out, MEO
words can never hurt me.
Happy Fourth & the duck I call Earl!!!!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Marvin the Duck
Marvin the Duck... what to say? we met him only briefly, and decided to name him Marvin, or at least, I decided to name him Marvin. So, it's hot out, we decide to go for a swim, so we're swimming around, for a good 40 minutes or so, and in flies this little brown duck. He's not fat, but he's full grown. We look at it, it looks at us, as if to say, "Duck off, and get out of my swimming area." It starts quacking at us, "quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, QUACK, QUACK, QUACK, QUACK, QUACK!" What an incessant little bugger. So anyhow, we get out, to try to coerce it into getting into the pool, since that's what we assumed it wants anyhow. He just continues to look at the pool and quack. We slowly make our way around him, behind him, towards him. He freaks out, and up and flies away. Poor duck. To Marvin, whereever he should be, come back, and you can swim in the pool.