Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Wow, and wow!

Alrighty, tonight has been a fun afternoon/evening/early wee-hours. We did some burgers, lots of Halo, and even a little bit of fireworks. Oh, and Richard's mom even showed me some of their pictures from when they went up to NY & other New England states looking at colleges for his sister. But anyhow, venturing beyond that... tomorrow is Tuesday Lunchday, actually, I should say in about 7.5 hours, is Tuesday Lunchday. I'm so ready for it, asside from all this sleeping I'm supposed to be doing, and catching up on and stuff. (Yeah, I think it's the only thing I procrastinate on more than my homework.) All that asside though, it's almost time for tuesday lunch day again. Also, it's almost time for our annual waterballoon fight. At least, it is time for me to get the e-mail out to everyone about it, and so I'm gonna do that tomorrow quick before school. If I do not get the e-mail out, everyone should yell at me until I do. Sorry, but I just don't want to do it right now. I want to do it after I know the sun has already come up, and won't be coming up again to awaken me for a while.
on a completely different note though, Rodney's most recent blog post is awesome. It is just beautiful. I think that it is very very pretty. I totally dig it. He also mentions a site to go to if you're a poor college student who can't afford furniture. You should definately check it out if you haven't yet. I hope to eventually more more towards the pictures and stuff, but this is not quite the time to do that just yet for me, especially since my mom has run off with my camera again.
Also, tomorrow, I'm told, Richard is getting a hair cut. Scuba diving is looks good on him. I warn you all, tomorrow, you will experience a sexier, hotter, more devilishy stunning, handsome Richard. Now, keep in mind that I've kindda made plans to keep him for a bit longer, so unfortunately for you all, I will not play fair in any sort of fight over him that might occur. And yes, I already know about his three hot rich lovers who are gonna buy him a beemer. What can I say? He got the idea from me, and if I can have hot rich lovers, I figure he should be able to too. But anyhow, so I'm tired, and need to sleep so that I wake up tomorrow morning... tuesday lunch day at like 11:30 how crazy is that? I say very. But then, I'm tired, so goodnight.

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