Okay, so tuesday lunchday rocks my world! well, more or less. I did infact send out my waterballoon fight e-mail. If you did not recieve it, you should e-mail me immediately for it, since I am going to annouce the real date that we do the thing. So far, the options are all saturdays, the 30th of July, the 6th and 13th of August. One of these lucky days will host our annual waterballoon fight for the 2005 year. Whoooo, which will it be? Hmmmm.... good question. Anyhow though, I'm thinking, the later in the year, possibly the better. the fight starting around 8 or 8:30 should be alright, giving us an hour of daylight to heave liquid-filled plastic at each other. Wait, are balloons made of plastic or rubber? What's the difference anyhow? I never really knew. Don't really know how much I actually care, but whatever. Anyhow, so yes, I'm just bumming around here for a bit. Being a little on the bored side. I don't really know what to do, but my parents are appearantly buying Mark a laptop for school now. It's a Dell, he's gonna be pissed, but I don't really blame him. If you really want an amazing laptop, the best bang for your buck is still the Sony Viao. Man, I want one of those sooooo bad. They are absolutely gorgeous machines. (Yes, I have a dell. I couldn't afford to pay for it outright at the point in time that I needed it, so I'm paying my dad back for it. He only agreed to do it if I got a Dell. That's okay though, in three years, I'm gonna sell this one, and get a sony I think. Just as soon as the warranty is up.) Anyhow, back to what I was saying, what was I saying? Oh well. It's nice outside. Really pretty, and really hot. I think that this is enough from me though,
I've got an idea: you get a Vaio, and I'll give Beowulf a good home since you hate Dells so much.
sounds like a plan to me, assuming you give me oh say, $1700, then I can take an additional $400-500 of my own money in addition to that to get me that vaio. Yes, I am liking this idea. Oh wait, I still have to pay off my dad, so let's wait on that until after Christmas, since I will have it paid for by then. Tell you what, I'll even include all the stuff you really need for it, already loaded on it, like gaim, and the music, you can keep, and firefox, and all of rvb, all the microsoft applications you want, and I'll even throw in security stuff, and frozen bubble.
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