Okay, there isn't a whole lot to this story, but you know, I've deemed it worthy of telling, because I seem to lead a boring life, and have nothing better to ponder and write on. So, there was this cop... he drove up as I'm leaving. I get in my car, hurrying, so that he has no reason to pull me over, he'd have to actually put some amount of effort into it, no fun for free. So yeah, I get in my car, the dome light goes on, the cop sits, still in the middle of some parking spaces, with lights turned off, yet on, so just the parking lights are on. So, in an effort to not get a stern talkin' to, I pull out, and wait a bit, then proceed on wards, toward the exit. He turns on his lights again, and follows me like 4 or 5 blocks, then finally turns away. If they are gonna follow you, they should get mad at you, and if they aren't gonna be all mad, then they should not scare you like that. It's just not nice.
Anyhow, so I'm going to sleep. Goodnight everyone, Liz
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
crazy with pics & nothing.

Alrighty, I don't really know what to talk about, so I'm gonna talk about beemers for a

Okay, this isn't working i'm gonna go.
Later, ~Liz
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Okay, so tuesday lunchday rocks my world! well, more or less. I did infact send out my waterballoon fight e-mail. If you did not recieve it, you should e-mail me immediately for it, since I am going to annouce the real date that we do the thing. So far, the options are all saturdays, the 30th of July, the 6th and 13th of August. One of these lucky days will host our annual waterballoon fight for the 2005 year. Whoooo, which will it be? Hmmmm.... good question. Anyhow though, I'm thinking, the later in the year, possibly the better. the fight starting around 8 or 8:30 should be alright, giving us an hour of daylight to heave liquid-filled plastic at each other. Wait, are balloons made of plastic or rubber? What's the difference anyhow? I never really knew. Don't really know how much I actually care, but whatever. Anyhow, so yes, I'm just bumming around here for a bit. Being a little on the bored side. I don't really know what to do, but my parents are appearantly buying Mark a laptop for school now. It's a Dell, he's gonna be pissed, but I don't really blame him. If you really want an amazing laptop, the best bang for your buck is still the Sony Viao. Man, I want one of those sooooo bad. They are absolutely gorgeous machines. (Yes, I have a dell. I couldn't afford to pay for it outright at the point in time that I needed it, so I'm paying my dad back for it. He only agreed to do it if I got a Dell. That's okay though, in three years, I'm gonna sell this one, and get a sony I think. Just as soon as the warranty is up.) Anyhow, back to what I was saying, what was I saying? Oh well. It's nice outside. Really pretty, and really hot. I think that this is enough from me though,

Wow, and wow!
Alrighty, tonight has been a fun afternoon/evening/early wee-hours. We did some burgers, lots of Halo, and even a little bit of fireworks. Oh, and Richard's mom even showed me some of their pictures from when they went up to NY & other New England states looking at colleges for his sister. But anyhow, venturing beyond that... tomorrow is Tuesday Lunchday, actually, I should say in about 7.5 hours, is Tuesday Lunchday. I'm so ready for it, asside from all this sleeping I'm supposed to be doing, and catching up on and stuff. (Yeah, I think it's the only thing I procrastinate on more than my homework.) All that asside though, it's almost time for tuesday lunch day again. Also, it's almost time for our annual waterballoon fight. At least, it is time for me to get the e-mail out to everyone about it, and so I'm gonna do that tomorrow quick before school. If I do not get the e-mail out, everyone should yell at me until I do. Sorry, but I just don't want to do it right now. I want to do it after I know the sun has already come up, and won't be coming up again to awaken me for a while.
on a completely different note though, Rodney's most recent blog post is awesome. It is just beautiful. I think that it is very very pretty. I totally dig it. He also mentions a site to go to if you're a poor college student who can't afford furniture. You should definately check it out if you haven't yet. I hope to eventually more more towards the pictures and stuff, but this is not quite the time to do that just yet for me, especially since my mom has run off with my camera again.
Also, tomorrow, I'm told, Richard is getting a hair cut. Scuba diving is looks good on him. I warn you all, tomorrow, you will experience a sexier, hotter, more devilishy stunning, handsome Richard. Now, keep in mind that I've kindda made plans to keep him for a bit longer, so unfortunately for you all, I will not play fair in any sort of fight over him that might occur. And yes, I already know about his three hot rich lovers who are gonna buy him a beemer. What can I say? He got the idea from me, and if I can have hot rich lovers, I figure he should be able to too. But anyhow, so I'm tired, and need to sleep so that I wake up tomorrow morning... tuesday lunch day at like 11:30 how crazy is that? I say very. But then, I'm tired, so goodnight.
on a completely different note though, Rodney's most recent blog post is awesome. It is just beautiful. I think that it is very very pretty. I totally dig it. He also mentions a site to go to if you're a poor college student who can't afford furniture. You should definately check it out if you haven't yet. I hope to eventually more more towards the pictures and stuff, but this is not quite the time to do that just yet for me, especially since my mom has run off with my camera again.
Also, tomorrow, I'm told, Richard is getting a hair cut. Scuba diving is looks good on him. I warn you all, tomorrow, you will experience a sexier, hotter, more devilishy stunning, handsome Richard. Now, keep in mind that I've kindda made plans to keep him for a bit longer, so unfortunately for you all, I will not play fair in any sort of fight over him that might occur. And yes, I already know about his three hot rich lovers who are gonna buy him a beemer. What can I say? He got the idea from me, and if I can have hot rich lovers, I figure he should be able to too. But anyhow, so I'm tired, and need to sleep so that I wake up tomorrow morning... tuesday lunch day at like 11:30 how crazy is that? I say very. But then, I'm tired, so goodnight.
Monday, June 27, 2005
good songs.
Sitting in the morning sun
I'll be sitting when the evening comes
Watching the ships roll in
And I watch 'em roll away again
Sitting on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay
Wasting time
I left my home in Georgia
Headed for the 'Frisco bay
'Cause I had nothin to live for
And look like nothing's gonna come my way
So I'm just...
Look like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll remain the same
Sittin here resting my bones
And this loneliness won't leave me alone
It's two thousand miles I roamed
Just to make this dock my home
Now, I'm just...
Actually, I'm just sitting in the guys apartment, kindda half being bored, while they play Halo, but whatever. Okay, now we're watchin' a piratey lookin' episode of The Venture Brothers. Ohhhp, back to the shooting. Okay, yeah... game night was fun. It was great seeing everyone again. DH came appropriately dressed, wearing a shirt that said, "I'm knot blonde, I'm really knot." We played a bit of taboo. Oh yeah, way to go team Liz! We kicked the Braum's butt. There really is something to be said about playing on the same team as your boyfriend, and using inside jokes and conversations for anything you couldn't get otherwise.
I'm also downloading lots of music that I've been wanting for a while, (yes, it is perfectly legal) and so that should be entertaining. It is taking way too long for my tastes though, but cest la vie. Anyhow, so this is getting kindda boring, and not holding my attention well, so I think that it is time for so yahoo gaming. Later, Elizabeth.
I'll be sitting when the evening comes
Watching the ships roll in
And I watch 'em roll away again
Sitting on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay
Wasting time
I left my home in Georgia
Headed for the 'Frisco bay
'Cause I had nothin to live for
And look like nothing's gonna come my way
So I'm just...
Look like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll remain the same
Sittin here resting my bones
And this loneliness won't leave me alone
It's two thousand miles I roamed
Just to make this dock my home
Now, I'm just...
Actually, I'm just sitting in the guys apartment, kindda half being bored, while they play Halo, but whatever. Okay, now we're watchin' a piratey lookin' episode of The Venture Brothers. Ohhhp, back to the shooting. Okay, yeah... game night was fun. It was great seeing everyone again. DH came appropriately dressed, wearing a shirt that said, "I'm knot blonde, I'm really knot." We played a bit of taboo. Oh yeah, way to go team Liz! We kicked the Braum's butt. There really is something to be said about playing on the same team as your boyfriend, and using inside jokes and conversations for anything you couldn't get otherwise.
I'm also downloading lots of music that I've been wanting for a while, (yes, it is perfectly legal) and so that should be entertaining. It is taking way too long for my tastes though, but cest la vie. Anyhow, so this is getting kindda boring, and not holding my attention well, so I think that it is time for so yahoo gaming. Later, Elizabeth.
Friday, June 24, 2005
A quick bit then sleep.
Okay, so I really shouldn't be doing this, since I have to be up in 5.5 hours max, but I'm going to anyhow, because I'm not really tired. (Doesn't that just irk you? You know you have to do something, and need to sleep, so that you might get up early, and do it, but you're just not tired enough to sleep, and you know you'll be tossing and turning for an hour or two before you can actually get to sleep, and by that time, you're almost to the point at which you have to wake up again. So, by the time you finally hit the REM sleep, it's sunny out, and your alarm goes off, and you get up, to begin another day, with the feeling that your body is retaliating for you not sleeping enough, even though it's its fault that you could get enough sleep.) Well, bleh to the body! You know it's really bad, when you start sleeping for 9-10 hours sporatically, and you still fall asleep when you don't want to. What's more, in addition to your body being a pain in the ass for not letting you get to sleep when you need to, it gets all mad at you during the times that you're awake; it'll make you think you're seeing stuff that isn't there, you do stupid stuff that you know you shouldn't do, you slur your words, you can't think right, it even goes so far as to make you realize that the light is red, but then take 5 seconds to process this fact into the notion that you should lift your foot off of the gas pedal, and put it forcibly, by this time, on the brake pedal. You take longer to heal, you take longer to get better, you incur muscle pains more easily. When you do finally get enough sleep, your body gets all confused, and doesn't know what to do with it, so it wakes you up early, or it'll act like it's still tired, and make you get more, and more, and more, until your sleep schedule is all fucked up, and you don't know what to do, and you're sleeping too much, or you're getting the 'caffeine affect' even though you didn't have any. But enough of this subject, I have digressed for far too long.
My point in this was to mention that we went to the duck pond, and played capture the flag, and it was fun. Poor Richard took a bit of a spill, which is never a good thing, but then we went swimming, and cooled everyone down a bit. That was also good. Good evening it was.
Florida is all over the place, I have no clue what I'm doing, whether I'm going or not, and if so, how I am going, but my mom offered to pay for a plane ticket for me to get there, so that sounds like a blast, I might take her up on it. The only problem being that I would be going alone, like all alone, not meeting up with people until that evening, or whenever I get in, and get over to the university, but I think it might be good for me anyhow. I'd get to be all like pushy and assertive. (whoo.... 8-| ) so, who really knows?
In other news, I had a test today in calc. I think I kicked it's ass. It's great fun. It took an hour and a half, and I redid like every question three+ times. I suppose I am kindda jumping the gun on this, assumption, but I do feel like I did well on it. Anyhow though, so it is now time for sleep, and I'm beginning to get alittle tired, so goodnight to everyone, sleep well, sweet dreams, take care, ~Liz
My point in this was to mention that we went to the duck pond, and played capture the flag, and it was fun. Poor Richard took a bit of a spill, which is never a good thing, but then we went swimming, and cooled everyone down a bit. That was also good. Good evening it was.
Florida is all over the place, I have no clue what I'm doing, whether I'm going or not, and if so, how I am going, but my mom offered to pay for a plane ticket for me to get there, so that sounds like a blast, I might take her up on it. The only problem being that I would be going alone, like all alone, not meeting up with people until that evening, or whenever I get in, and get over to the university, but I think it might be good for me anyhow. I'd get to be all like pushy and assertive. (whoo.... 8-| ) so, who really knows?
In other news, I had a test today in calc. I think I kicked it's ass. It's great fun. It took an hour and a half, and I redid like every question three+ times. I suppose I am kindda jumping the gun on this, assumption, but I do feel like I did well on it. Anyhow though, so it is now time for sleep, and I'm beginning to get alittle tired, so goodnight to everyone, sleep well, sweet dreams, take care, ~Liz
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Two things that bother me alot
1) People touching me. that is, people invading my 'bubble.'
2) Situations that I know I have absolutely no control over.
the end of this blog. Elizabeth.
2) Situations that I know I have absolutely no control over.
the end of this blog. Elizabeth.
Friday, June 17, 2005
We've lost Matt Clark!
So yeah, currently, Alex, Sheena, Sean, Richard, and I are watching the weather, waiting for this storm to pass. But anyhow, so for those who aren't currently here, I'm gonna recap today quick, then go into yesterday. "It's death outside; don't go out!" - Sean, 12:34A June 17th, 2005. to be continued tomorrow, after sleep. ~Liz
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Finding Money is Great!
yes... it is. Finding money is Great!
Later, take care, have a good day/evening/night, ~Liz
- Great like free chocolate great!
- Great like cherry-limeade great!
- Great like new CD great!
- Great like 50 cent Tuesday and a movie you want to see is in the theater great!
- Great like new baby pet great! (well, almost)
- Great like give a kid some candy great!
- Great like happy bread great!
- Great like learning you get to go to a foreign country great!
- Great like first good joke of the day great!
- Great like new tube of Vanilla mint toothpaste great!
- Great like pi day great!
- Great like a boquette of tulips great!
- Great like swinging great!
- Great like small wrapped candy fights great!
- Great like bubbles great!
- Great like warm spring shower great!
- Great like hot bath great!
- Great like fresh towels great!
- Great like first flower of the year great!
- Great like acing the test great!
- Great like chai great!
- Great like Friday the 13th sundae great!
- Great like sno-cone great!
- Great like peeps great!
- Great like BMW great!
- Great like hot tub great!
- Great like free gas great!
- Great like new necklace great!
- Great like airplane ride great!
- Great like fresh fruit great!
- Great like camping under the stars great!
- Great like getting a raise great!
- Great like ending this stuff great!
Later, take care, have a good day/evening/night, ~Liz
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