Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I survived

I survived the whole widsom teeth removal thing. Actually, I took it really well all said and done. I didn't take any of the pain medication they perscribed because low and behold, I get home, and I'm allergic to the medicine - whoo! At least my mother knew that I was allergic before I took them. Anyhow, so I've taken a few advil, and by this time tomorrow, I'll be completely done with all that preventative antibiotic stuff. That'll be good, because it's a pain in the ass. Who ever decided that it would be a good idea to give someone who is supposed to be recovering a pill that they have to take every 6 hours is a moron. What do recovering people need? SLEEP. How can a recovering person possibly get more than 6 hours of sleep in a row and still take the damn pills every six hours? Yeah, I don't know either. On the plus side, the lady who put in the IV did a really good job, she got it on the first try. (Last time I went to get an IV put in, it took the person 3 times, 3 different places, and when she finally got it, she exploded my vein. It was very painful, and very gross.) The area around where the IV went in is bruised, but I suppose that's to be expected. I'm just glad that my whole hand isn't bruised.

My mouth is still sore, but that mostly the insides of my cheeks, and I didn't swell up at all! I still can't eat anything very hard, but that's okay, I like pasta. Anyhow, so enough of that boring shit. I feel like time is slipping away very rapidly. I suppose that's life though. I feel like I still need to get my room in order, but I can't quite seem to figure out what I really want to do with it. I also need to do more homework, and I'm going to get my school books tomorrow, which I'd been putting off as much as possible because I don't want to pay for them. So I guess this may very well be the last post for a while, because I have like 2 or three test here in a week or so.

So, to anyone out there, if you want to do anything, feel free to call me, or IM me, or whatever. I do check blogs and that sort of thing, so that's a fairly good way to go about getting ahold of me too.

I'll catch you all later.

1 comment:

di hu said...

i am glad u survived. it would have been awful if u would have died. i would have to go shopping, which i hate, by a cute new dress, and then there is that crying bussiness. yes i believe i am very estatic that u did not die. and i was allergic to the medicine they gave me too, but unfortunatly i didn't know that until after i took it!!!!!!!!!!!