Wednesday, April 05, 2006

How I spent my weekend...

Or at least somewhere around 4 hours of it... whoo!!! At least it made Richard feel better. So we stole my mother's Dyson, and went to work. We spent some where around and hour and a half to two hours washing dishes. R. washed, I rinsed (some of the time), dried, and put away. Together we washed almost ever dish owned by people in that apartment, and several by the next door neighbors. I did a little picking up, and vaccuming, but couldn't really keep R. from the dyson. How he loves that thing.
Remember when Shawn spiked the big red? Yeah, well R. got that too.

Anyhow, so back to work with me. Sorry, no pics of the clean kitchen.



FlutinKat said...

Lol congrats! I think.

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome picture of the gaming center!