- Enjoy my break a little bit more, which is to say, I need to relax.
- write a paper for German.
- begin some hardcore research for my History paper
- read the rest of my book for history
- learn how and when to capitalize words
- Fix my lips, which are so dry that they seem to crack and bleed every time I breath
- clean my room
- write a program
- practice piano
- sleep
- charge my phone
- do some IHS work
- make a budget
- do some apartment hunting
- try to make some thai food at home.
- taxes
I'm kind of stuck in a moral/ethical delima at work right now. My boss is gone, on vacation and she asked me to monitor a co-worker while she is away. Now, this doesn't seem much like a delima, but I'm afraid that it may directly lead to her termination in the company. While I'm aware that it should be none of my business, it still bothers me slightly. However, I'm not going to ignore her instructions. As a wise person once told me, 'a person only gets fired if they get themself fired.'
Anyhow, so I'm going to work on that getting some of that sleep.
i am confused so u aren't going to do what ur boss asked u to do in order to make ur self feel better? not trying to sound rude but getting to the point. just in case it sounded colder than intended.
I have to do what my boss asked, because she asked. So I did.
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