Monday, January 30, 2006

Bowling... for.... uhmm.... I don't know, but it's not soup, I think it's points

Yeah! We went bowling, it was great, and I must admit, I am horribly addicted to bowling, and I love it much, even if I'm not very good at it.

Richard & I tied w/breaking 100 once each, and I think Sean broke one hundred twice, but I'm not sure, and Shawn broke 100 every game, and Lori got multiple strikes, so go us all!!!! Bowling is fun, anyhow, so just a few pictures
to go with the fact that bowling is great.

Take care,

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Oh, how cute is he?

Anyhow, so this first one is at the Tribute ("1964"), concert. Whoo!! So, I have another one, that is kindda a video clip, but I don't want to hurt your ears like that, and I didn't really want to deal with the affects of Richard being on the internet singing with a goofy look on his face. So, if you want to see it, come hunt me down.

Tribute was Friday night, loads of fun!!!

Saturday I went with Richard to the Band Banquette, which was, well... It was kindda long. Good food, a couple of people from the past, a realization that it would be really easy to just sort of dress like a person in the band and just sort of blend in. Also it brought back the immense want to play the French Horn again.

Also, I'd like to say that this guy (<<<<<) is one of the greatest guys ever. For any men out there that read this, if you need help with the ladies, you might want to contact him. About 80% of the time, he's right on the money. For any women out there, sorry, this one is mine. I'm not giving up the foot rubs, the funness, the hugs, the dates, the chai, the smile, or the blue eyes with out a fight, and I'll warn you, when it comes to guys, I'm not gonna fight pretty.

Anyhow, so I think I'm gonna stop embarrassing him now. Bowling tonight, so probably more photos in a bit day or two!!!!!

Catch ya'll later,

Thursday, January 26, 2006

a bit of life, & goals for this semester.

Alright, so just for the record, I'm putting this semester's goals in the blog so that I'm accountable.
Goals for this semester:
  • Get straight As. I really think this one is possible assuming I can get my pathetic ass up in time for class. Which, is a must for the rest of this semester, because I've already missed 2 classes of piano, and after/at 3 missed classes, I lose a letter grade.
  • Get on a normal sleep schedule. I think this will be alot easier this semester, because all my first thing in the morning classes are at 9:30. Ofcourse, I'd like to be able to be up and ready to go by 8 in the morning, and use that time in between to do studying & stuff.
  • Get into the habbit of keeping my room, car, etc. clean & in order. It really bothers me when I don't have a spotless room, so I think just by doing that I can tone down some of the stress in my life.
  • Get an after hours job. (I mean after 5:00 pm job) To make me feel better about myself, and stop always being broke. Also to consume some of my time.
  • Figure out what I want to do with my life.
  • Keep my fish & rabbits clean. (You'll see why later)
  • Keep on top of my homework. Definitely a good thing. I used to be really really good at this, and now, I just don't so much prioritize it, and I think it is important to do so.
Anyhow, so that's all of the goals.

To the bit of life... I lost 2 glo-fin tetras. I don't know how in the world I managed to lose the fish, but I can't find them anywhere. They weren't small enough to get sucked up in the filter, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. There aren't even dead fish anywhere. There aren't fish floating on the top, there aren't fish on the bottom, there aren't fish around my filter, I have no clue what happened to the fish. oh well, oh, and none of the others are big enough to eat them.

Oh, I've decided I can't/don't want to hack it as an Engineer, so I'm kindda chillin' out this semester, trying to find out what I want to do with the rest of my life. Please, please, please don't pester me about it. I haven't told my parents yet, they would freak, i'm freakin' out a bit about it, and I feel really crummy for it. Leo told me I couldn't hack it as an Engineer, and I was all set to prove him wrong, but as always, he was right. He was always right. :( Silly me for ever thinking I was better than him. Oh well. I'll find my passion soon enough, and prove that i'm the best at whatever it is I do. A little late to be trying to figure that out, I realize, but oh well.

Anyhow, so I think that about sums it up for me for right now.
So I'll catch you all later,

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blue October: "Calling you"

There's something that I can't quite explain
I'm so in love with you
You'll never take that away
And if I said it a hundred times before
Expect a thousand more
You'll never take that away

Well expect me to be calling you to see
if you're okay when I'm not around
Askin' if you love me
I love the way you make it sound
Calling you to see
Do I try too hard to make you smile
To make a smile

Well I will keep calling you to see
If you're sleeping, are you dreaming
If you're dreaming, are you dreaming of me?
I can't believe, you actually picked me

I thought that the world had lost its way
(Its so hard sometimes)
Then I feel in love with you
(Then came you)
And you took that away
(Its not so diffcult, the one's not so difficult)

You take away the old, show me the new
I feel like I can fly when I stand next to you
So while I'm on this phone
And hundred miles away from home
I'll take the words you gave and send them back to you


uhmm... school, it goes. German = fun. Java also = fun. Uhm.... yeah, need to get back to the German reveiw. Test on Friday. Catch you later. bye.
Take care,

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bowling for Soup: Almost

I don't quite know why, but I really like this song.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm sick of my mother trying to pry into my life... her newest thing is assuming I've broken up with who ever I may be dating (I say this because she's assumed that I may have even 'moved on' & broken up with someone else. 8-| My mother is weird.)

Anyhows, so the song, hell, I don't want to link it. if you don't know it, you can google bowling for soup 'almost' lyrics. you should get it right off the bat if you do that.

Anyhow, that about sums up life for me right now. Yeahp. I'm going to sleep now.

Goodnight every,

Sunday, January 22, 2006

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that Ring (Or does it?)

Mini post that will probably get me in trouble with a lot of you, but maybe you'll see it the way that I do.

******* Disclaimer: If you're easily offended DON'T read this. & if I upset you, oh well, it's just an opinion, and nothing more, and that's what a blog is. I don't know that this can really be a fact based post, so I'm not going to try. ***********

Alright, well, into this full throttle then.... From everything I've seen lately, a ring doesn't mean a damned thing today. In the past, a ring on your finger meant something, a promise, a marriage, trust, a relationship that was more important than almost anything else. Today, it seems to simply be an easy way of getting into someone's bed. i know that seems harsh, but divorce rates are outrageously high, and the number of people who cheat on their spouses is rediculous.

Now, I admit, there are plenty of true marriages today. I mean, plenty of marriages in which both people at least start out believing that the ring means that they're gonna be with their fiance or spouse 'till death do [they] part.'

People put too much emphasis on the ring these days though. Does it really matter how big the rock is in it if you're marrying the person you love the most in the world? I don't see how someone putting a ring on your finger makes them better than not putting a ring on your finger. That is, it's still the same person, they still love you just as much, they're still gonna be there when you need them. What's more, if they upset you when you don't have a ring on your finger they're gonna upset you when you do, and likewise, if they make you the happiest person in the whole world when you're not married to them, then they'll be the same when you are married to them. (** there are a few exceptions to this statement, but for the most part, it does hold true **)

40 years ago, there was a stigma attahed to being divorced. Not only is that no longer the case, but we expect people to have been divorced at least once. I've even heard of cases in which a girl purposely gets pregnant with a guy to rope him into marrying her. Using a child as a reason to get married just because you're too insecure to deal with the fact that you might just end up alone is about the lowest thing in the world.

While I do believe in true love, and all that stuff that noone else does, (I guess I'm just too much of a hopeless romantic) I applaud the people who wait to get married. The people who know everything in the world about each other, and know that it's gonna work out before they get married. Absolutely no disrespect to anyone who got married in a hurry, because I do believe that the couple's ability to talk things out is the deciding factor in how well the marriage works out, but I do think that it probably takes more effort to say no to getting married to the person you love.

As more and more of my friends get married to people they have known for 2 weeks, or 3 months & 8 days, or whatever, the idea that the wedding ring holds is diminishing in front of me. I realize I'm probably alone in this but I would rather live w/someone for the rest of my life & never get married to them than get a ring followed by a divorce. Hell, I'd even rather just have a dog that will always be there for me than some guy that throws in the towel after a year.

The point to this.... uhmmm... I don't know, there are a few. The first being that you shouldn't expect a golden band to solve all problems. While it is round & shiny & precious, it may very well be leading you into the firey pits of Mordor. The second being if you love someone, and they love you back, they'll wait for you to be ready to marry them, so don't rush into anything. The third being that not everyone hits an age & is ready to get married, so you really shouldn't try to pressure them into anything of that sort. They know theirself better than anyone else. The fourth, giving out a ring does not make a guy a superhero. A guy that gives out a ring is not automatically better than a guy that doesn't, and a girl w/a ring on her finger is not any better than a girl w/out a ring on her finger.

It seems my mini post turned into a really freakin' long post, so i'm sorry for that. If I offended you, well, I guess you should have stopped reading after the disclaimer. After all, logs are simply meant to get your thoughts out of your head & keep track of what's going on. Just because it's on the web. doesn't mean it should require anything apologies. Yes, I realize I'm in a kindda attacking mood, but that's life.

It is time for lunch.




I like to bowl. Tonight, Tabz & I went bowling. We played for 2 hours, got in probably right about 8 or 9 & 1/2 games done in that amount of time. It was loads of fun. I scored a 183 on one of the games, it was great. It made me really happy. We played a game entirely left handed I think I scored around a 68 on that one. Not bad, not good, a little less than what I normally do right handed, but still pretty fun.

People who disappear into the bar while their kids bowl are annoying, and should be fined. I don't care if your kid is 14, or 15, or what, but if they aren't at least 17, they should not be left alone in a freakin' bowling alley.

garrrrrrrrr. double & triple garrrrrrrrr for that one.

So, I'm thinkin' it's about time to invest in some nice bowling shoes. **cough, cough, hint, hint, hint. ****

Tabz pointed out to me that our birthdays are about 2 months away. Whoo! I'm gonna be old, very shortly. Oh, wait, I'll be of drinking age, whoo, the joy of my life... 8-|

Anyhow, so i'm rambling now. So I think it's about time for me to make my eyebrow stop twitching like fuckin' crazy.

So goodnight,
Til later,

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

By the way...

Richard is great. (I really don't mean to rub it in for anyone who has recently dealt w/a break up, or anyone who is w/out someone else.)

Anyhow, so yesterday, Richard took me on a date. (Swoon!) We were gonna go to this little Italian Bistro in the city. (I can't really see this one powering an spaceship, but whatever.) unfortunately the the cute little bistro ended up being about the only thing that was closed for MLK Day. So instead we went to Pearl's, great restraunt!! I love fish, but only when it's good. Ate way too much, but it was sooo good... & tillapia, & gumbo, & garlic mashed potatoes, & shrimp, & mmmmm yummy!!! Oh, and I tried some sort of crab dip thing, that was also really good. Then we watched... uhmmm... The Life Aquatic. Weird movie, but the company was great. Totally brightened my day.

To a new subject... classes started today, and I had beginning piano, & Intro. to German. Both of which are gonna be soooo much fun. German is gonna be kindda hard, but that's okay I think i'll do alright. we're at the point where I know a little bit of what we're doing, but not everything, so I am actually a little ahead of some of the people in the class, but there are kids in there that had 2 & 3 years of German in their high school years, so I'm definately not the top, but I am excited about it. Piano should be interesting, I don't really know what I think about having a partner to practice with, because I feel like I'm gonna sound horrible enough to myself that I don't want anyone else to have to endure that sort of pain, but cest la vie. he seems nice enough. (Scott, his name is scott, and he's an aviation major.)

Tomorrow is gonna be the first of the hard days. Not so cool... Electrical Science should be fun but boring as hell, German again, Math... ewwwies... I'm scared of it. Then Java!!!! Score!!!! and some working then Electrical Circuits 1. So... hopefully I'll have all good teachers, and make it to class in time.

Last semester was kindda a bust for keeping to the schedule, I'm gonna try really really hard to not miss any classes this semester.

Oh, and once again, Richard & I have managed to create schedules that are opposite each other, so when i'm working or in class, he's pretty much not, and the other way around. Fun huh? Well, whatever.

Oh, and Happiness!!!! I have a friend date of sorts on Friday, & it's gonna be a blast, so yay! weekend!!!!

I think that's enough for me.
i should be getting to bed.

Oh, and if anyone knows why the fuck your left eyebrow twitches, I'd like to know.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

slipping & complaining during posting & ing(ing)

I don't know if anyone else has ever felt this way before, but I keep feeling myself slipping away. Unfortunately, there isn't really anything I can see that will save me from this predicament that i seem to have gotten myself into, other than maybe a really really long vacation, which not only can I not afford, but I also can't seem to find time for. So, yay! (Sarcasm, thick sarcasm.) So anyhow, so I don't know if there is anything else I can do about it. Sadly, chances are that the next time I'll have any free time to get away is after July 10th, due to work and what not. I really want out of my house, but i don't want to move during school. The closer it gets to school, the more stressed I find myself becoming, and it hasn't even started yet. I can't even imagine trying to move out while dealing w/school & work. Also, I don't really want to get another job. I'll be working alot more this semester, but it still won't be enough to hardly get by. It allows for about $60-80 spending money during the year... that's not much. I don't even have a cell phone or anything. I'm probably the only college aged person in the world still who doesn't have a cell phone. Oh well. I'm only saving $600/year on that one, not to mention my family bothering me 24-7.

Anyhow, so it is way past time for me to sleep.
Goodnight everyone.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Life & Older Song

There is nothing quite like waking up next to your boyfriend, and realizing that you slept through the last 15 minutes of Family Guy, and all but 2 minutes of Futurama, and you still have to drive home, to go to sleep. It is even worse, when you realize that you're tired and you probably shouldn't be driving, but that you have to be up again in a little over 5 hours. Yeah, that really sucks, oh well.

Oh, completely unrelated, I heard an older song on the way home, that is still a good song.

Third Eye Blind - Story Of A Girl Lyrics
This is a story of a girl
Who cried a river and drown the whole world
But while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her when she smiles

How many days in a year
She woke up with hope
But she only found tears
And I can be so insincere
Making the promise is never for real
Is long as she stays there waiting
Wearing the holes in the soles of her shoes
How many days disappear
You look in the mirror so how do you choose
Clothes never wear as well as next day
Your hair never fell quite the same way
You never seem to run out of things to say

This is the story of a girl
Who cried a river an drown the whole world
But while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her
when she smiles

How many lovers would stay
Just to put up with this shit day after day
How do we wind up this way
Watching the mouths of the words that we say
As long as we stand here waiting
Wearing the clothes and the soles of her shoes
Clothes never wear as well as next day
Your hair never falls quite the same way
You never seem to run out of things to say

This is the story of a girl
who cried a river and drownd the whole world

but while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her
when she smiles


(Part of a verse)
And your clothes never wear as well the next day
And your hair never falls the same the next day
You never seem to run out of things to say

This is the story of a girl
Who cried a river
And drown the whole world
And while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her

This is the story of a girl
Who�s pretty face she hid from the world
And while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her

This is a story of a girl
Who cried a river
And drown the whole world
But while she looked so sad in photograohs
I absolutely love her
when she smiles

When she smiles
Anyhow, so just bringing up memories, and whatnot. Goodnight,

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fall Out Boy:: Grand Theft Autumn

If nothing else, you should totally check out all the titles for their songs, but this is like the best song ever. (big like there, but it's really good. I like it alot.)

From the album "Take This To Your Grave"

Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman.
Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town.

When I wake up, I'm willing to take my chances on the hope I forget
that you hate him more than you notice I wrote this for you.

You need him. I could be him...
I could be an accident but I'm still trying.
That's more than I can say for him.

Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman.
Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town.

Someday I'll appreciate in value, get off my ass and call you...but for the meantime I'll sport my
brand new fashion of waking up with pants on at 4:00 in the afternoon.

You need him. I could be him...
I could be an accident but I'm still trying.
That's more than I can say for him.


Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman.
Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town.

(won't find out) he won't find out
(won't find out) he won't find out

Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman.
Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town.

Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. (he won't find out)
Maybe he won't find out what I know: you were the last good thing about this part of town.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Jimmy Eat World:: The World You Love

From the album "Futures"

i got a story it's almost finished
all i need is someone to tell it too
maybe, that's you.

our time is borrowed and spent to freely
every minute i have needs to be made up
but how?
i'm looking for a nice way to say
"i'm out."
i want out.

i fall asleep with my friends around me
only place i know, i feel safe
i'm gonna call this home

the open road is still miles away
ain't nothing serious
we still have our fun
oh we had it once

but windows open and close
that's just how it goes

don't it feel like sunshine afterall
the world we love forever, gone
we're only just as happy
as everyone else seems to think we are

i'm in love with the ordinary
i need a simple space
to rest my head
and everything gets clear
well i'm a little ashamed for asking
but just a little helps
it gets me straight again
helps me get over it

it might seem like a dream
but it's real to me

don't it feel like sunshine afterall
the world we love forever, gone
we're only just as happy
as everyone else seems to think we are

you should see the canals are freezing
you should see me high
you should just be here
be with me here
it doesn't seem there
's hope for me
i let you down
but i won't give in now
not for any amount