I don't know if any of you have seen it or not yet, but Richard's latest post is somewhat entertaining. I must say however, I can think of a few more 'party' games I would like to see on the list.
Beer with me, for I am neither as eliquent as Richard, nor am I as punny. (ha... Richard making a good pun, that's fun. J/K - I still love you Richard.) But anyhow... things to be added to the list of not-so-famous drinking games:
- Drink til you barf! (you can guess the rules of the game)
- Who can get drunk first? (You also probably know how this one works.)
- How many people were unfortunate enough to have gone and watched Drowning Mona? Maybe it was Killing Mona, I don't recall, it was pretty bad. But anyhow, so one of the main characters, in the beginning of the movie is playing a game during which he takes a knive, and stabs it betweeen his outspread fingers one after another, then back again, so that he is creating an arch then going back and forth on that arch. The point of the game is to go as fast as possible. So... the game:: start that game. For every full arch that is successfully made, have a shot. The first person to lose a finger or other body part is the loser, and also probably dead. Yay! Fun game.
- Next game... strip poker ... with alcohol. Yes... to appease all you silly people who are under the assumption that boobs are everything, there you go. The one problem is gonna be trying to get a girl to play with you. Anyhow, so the way this game works is every time a person wins, they take a shot. Then, the people who are naked feel alright, because everyone who isn't naked is too drunk to know who is naked anyhow.
- I'm particularly fond of the carnival games, so the next would have to be the saucer on the cup game. You get a bunch of shot glasses, fill them with different liquids, or the same if
you choose. Then arrange small plates over the top of them, upside down. After this is done, you should spray Pam on them, or splash olive oil, or vegetable oil over the top of them to make it more difficult. Next, take some coins, and toss them at the cups. If you make it in a cup then, you have to drink it. (not the coin though.) This is where different -yummy drinks come into play. If you don't make it. Have a beer. It's all good, try again later. This is a good game for the host of the party to start, because when the party is over, they get to keep the money. When the people run out of money, you can try to convince them to start throwing bills at the cups. Convince them that dollar airplanes fly better than coins.
- BINGO!!!! Every time someone gets a bingo, they get a shot, every time someone gets a number, they take a shot. Every time someone loses, they take a shot. Everytime a number is called, they take a shot. So basically, the game will probably not make it to the end.
Goodnight, and remember, drink responsibly.... (or something like that)
You're just lucky I didn't launch into Burbounout...and I believe what you were looking for there at the end was "Hooray responsible drinking"
well, just wait til dirty santa, i bet everyone will be playing a drinking game. But know this! I started it before Richard. which wont make any sense right now.
I am confused. please help me to understand.
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