Whoo! Power is back! I have light at night time, and head all the time again! Unfortunately, going without power for 2, almost 3 days has done bad things to my poor fish. This afternoon they were in a pitiful condition, the water was probably about 48 or so degrees, so I fished out the fish, and tried to warm them up. I've lost my catfish - fare well Jet Li II - but I was just waiting to give him away to Andy anyhow. (He'd gotten too big and too aggressive for my tank. He kept attacking and eating my other fish.) My four black skirts, and one blue paradise gouriami seem to be reviving quite nicely. I'm worried they'll turn ill due to temperature shocks - it is now 82 degrees and it's only been 5 hours since I took them out of the 48 degree water. Knowing my luck with cold fish, they'll all get ick and die.
I didn't manage to find my plecostomos when I fished them out, and I haven't seen him for the past day and a half, so I don't know how he's doing or if he's even doing, but hopefully he's just hiding, and he'll warm up, and make his way out shortly.
Apparently, my laptop battery didn't like the constant bursts of energy and not, it's dying, or dead, either way, it sucks. It even popped up with a "time to reorder" (aka - give us some money or your laptop is useless) signal. It's loosing about a percent of battery life every couple of seconds. So, I'm off before it dies. Hope your finals have gone well, or will go well.
Good luck everyone, and stay warm & away from trees. I'll be posting some damage report pictures shortly.
Oh, not quite done with finals, will be done by Thursday & a work party on Friday so we should party on Saturday afternoon!