Okay, so I guess you guys haven't been writing enough to keep me occupied. I have acquired a new blog that I read fairly regularly, it is called
Get Rich Slowly, and recently had this blog on it talking about
101 Things to do in 1001 Days, and this got me thinking... what are my goals? What do I really want to accomplish. After reading over
J.D. Roth's blog containing his list, I decided I should make my own. I really liked the way he had his set up, so don't be surprised to see mine is very similar.
1) Get on a regular exercising schedule & make it a habit (at least 28 days on the schedule in a row)
2) Lose 10 pounds - or at least enough to make myself feel good about bikini weather.
3) Drink only water for 1 whole month.
4) Eat 'in' for every meal for 1 whole month.
Eat Breakfast - at least 4 weeks straightAll Jan.-Mar. 2008
Visit the doc and get the thyroid checked. Dec. 2007
Purchase 2 more games for the Wii.GH3, Wii Fit, & some random party game
Enjoy Hawaii! 7/20/07
See Pirates: At World's End and not be late for work the next day. 5/25/07
Get 29 gallon set up and running with fish in it. 7/7/07
11) Adopt a puppy.
12) Train the puppy to sit, lay, roll over, shake, heel and stay.
Know where I want to go and be well on the way. (Hopefully even graduate)
Maintain a 3.0 or above GPA15)
Stand out rather than blending in in class.16)
Limit the skipped classes to 3 or less per class per semester.Financial:
Do not go into debt in Hawaii. 7/20/07
Build up a 'slush fund' of at least $200 dollars. Aug. 2007
19) Compound Interest!!!
20) Go one whole month with no impulse buys.
21) Use only cash for 2 months straight.
22) Give at least $10/month to charity or good cause of my choice for at least 12 months straight.
Adopt a child for JHS Christmas. Dec. 2007
Start a ROTH or some sort of investment fund containing $500 or more. Dec. 2007
25) Learn at least 5 complete meals.
26) Learn 10 new drink recipes.
27) Invent a drink.
Start a cookbook of favorite recipes. fall 2007
29) Get at least 40 recipes in Favorite Recipes Cookbook
30) Learn how to decorate a cake.
Partake in a wine tasting gathering.June '08
32) Tour at least 3 vineyards.
General Betterment:
33) Complete Hitchhiker's Guide book.
Return book to Sean. (just for you)35) Send Grandma a birthday card w/$5 bill in it.
36) Watch The Godfather
Watch Born Identity 8/6/07
38) Learn a word a day for at least a month.
39) Crochet potholder for relative/GG
40) Finish scarves
Get 2 matching tires on my car. June 2007
Watch Futurama movie Nov. 27, 2007
43) Go sailing
Try an Alton Brown Good Eats recipe Nov. 2007 (it didn't go off very well, I think I did something wrong.)
Go Snorkeling 7/20/07
46) Go 88 cent kiting.
47) Hike up a mountain (and back down again).
Clean out wardrobe and donate or trash anything that isn't worn anymore. My closet looks huge now!
50) Find hospital to donate stuffed animals to.
51) Learn how to make a good coffee drink with espresso machine.
52) Go to a day spa.
53) Get a message.
Increase wardrobe with business/ nice clothes. Fall 2007. Still working on this, but I certainly have a good start.
55) Go without whipped cream for 40 days. (Eeek... maybe I shouldn't have written that.)
Purchase / acquire GPS.57)
Find great Fedora or golf cap. 2007 - I've decided I'm living this one vicariously through Richard.
Finish this list.59)
Learn HTML (or a good share of it)UPDATED 5/26/07
Personal goals:
What can I say? These are personal.
7 Goals in this section.
Finished 2.ADDED 5/27/07
Go swimming this summer. 7/20/07
Reduce Spending. I hope for this to be ongoing.
Learn how to make chocolate truffles I don't know why this was on there, I already know how to make chocolate truffles.
70) Finish CD thingy
Enjoy the summer Summer 07
Clean out my car Aug. 07 - already dirty again though
73) Continue to add to the savings / investments
74) Sell some of my text books
Breakdown and either purchase or make pillows for my storage seat thingy.Check.
Update my Orb.June 17th, 2007
Learn enough about saltwater tanks that I'm comfortable setting one up. Dec. 2007
78) Set up a saltwater tank - even if it's just a 10 gallon one.
79) Get my Dyson fixed.
Work on Confidence, and Assertiveness. 2007 - I feel, finally, like I've got this fairly well under control.
Purchase Hotels / interisland flights before June 15th, 2007 June 2007
take a break.83)
make it to farmer's market more regularly. 2007, prob. again each year.
Get tv tuner for lappy Late Aug. 2007
Education (again for this semester):
87) Know where I want to go and be well on the way. (Hopefully even graduate)
88) Maintain a 3.0 or above GPA
89) Stand out rather than blending in in class.
90) Limit the skipped classes to 3 or less per class per semester.
91)Finish star mural
Rearrange room93)
Get new calendar before January is over. It's The Office for 2008
Get hair cut95)
Rearrange closet96)
Watch Juno 97)
Move fish back to 10 gal.Decided to repopulate 30 gallon instead.
98)Learn about real estate to where I'm comfortable buying some.
Change or somehow fix fan/light100)
Get computer warranty renewed. This didn't, & isn't going to happen. It's almost cheaper to just buy a new computer!
101)Spoil me when necessary
Published: 5/20/07
1001st day falls on February 14th, 2010.
Last updated: 6/2/08
Days remaining: 622
Number remaining: 37 + 5