Saturday, December 30, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy and sadness all at once!

Okay... for the sadness first - I've lost three more fish in the past week. I'm down to two black skirts, and two glow light tetras. :( I'm pretty sure it was whatever that stupid gold skirt had - pop eye or something like that - that got the others (two glo light tetras and an algea eater). So... a moment of silence for them.

And for those of you who think I go through fish quickly, it's not that I go through them quickly, just that I let you know whenever one dies (these glo lights and the gold skirt I bought with my Christmas gift last year, and the algea eater I got this fall).

In happiness area - it is Christmas time!!! I love Christmas time. I love the season, I usually love the weather, I love the message behind it all, I just love it!!! I love giving gifts, and wrapping them, and deciding what to get, and everything. I just love it all! The cookies, the ham, the birthday. This is definitely my favorite holiday ever! I think, perhaps my favorite thing about it though, is the way that everyone seems to chipper up. You always seem to find more poeple who are cheerful, and smiling, and happy to see anyone. It's like suddenly people are willing to sop and help out someone one the street who is having a problem juggling grocerries, or pick up something that's fallen for them, or simple things like holding the door, or helping someone find the spices they are looking for. I believe that these are all things that we should do anytime of the year, no matter what or who. The sad truth is that you tend to see these act more towards the holiday seasons, Christmas in particular. While this is disconsering, it makes it no less wonderful when you do get the rare chance to see this occur. We are a society that is lost in self thought, and hurry. Everything we do, we hurry. We hurry to work, we hurry during our work, we hurry through work, we hurry home, hurry to the grocery store, hurry through the check out. Having a real person check you out isn't fast enough for us, so we've started letting ourselves check ourselves out, so that we can save that extra 30 seconds that it takes to acknowlegde the life of another human in our presence. The we hurry home. We make the 2 minute microwave meals so we don't have to waste time making dinner, then we hurry through dinner, so we can go back to sitting on the couch, and ignoring human life again. Or, we hurry though school work, hurry through a test, hurry through everything. When was the last time you took the extra 45 seconds to hold the door for an elderly person? When was the last time that you skipped that rerun tv show to spend some time with your family? When was the last time you stopped to think about what Christmas is really about?

Christmas is about love, and life. You don't have to be a christian to find meaning in the story of the madgi taking the time to travel a great distance to see a baby. You don't have to be a christian either to find meaning in the story of the shepards taking the time off of the job guarding sheep to go see a baby.

I don't mean to offend anyone who is non-christian or anything like that, but I will remind you that you have the right to not read my blog if you wish, and that I am not looking ofr a fight, just wishing to express myself. Besides, this is my blog.

Anyhow, so to anyone who wishes to think more on this subject, I suggest that you read this song, and just maybe reflect a little, and consider why we celebrate this as the birthday 2000 + years later.

Oh, the other happiness I was gonna write on before I distract myself so well - I had the 'religion' talk with R, and I feel much better now. We only talked breifly, but a couple questions that had been plaguing me were answered, and while there were a few things that caught me of guard, and left me a little uneasy, I feel much better about where we are, and just about life in general. So I did appreciate that quite a bit. :-)

So I do actually need to sleep now.

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope to see you all on Thursday!