Saturday, August 27, 2005

Tomorrow, and in the future a little

Tomorrow, is the beginning of the future. You may not have heard that before, but it is true. Anyhow, so in about 5 hours, I'm supposed to wake up, and go with Tabs garage saling. We hope to find something good for our duplex.

The funny thing about this, is simply that we do not yet have our duplex. That requires me getting another job. Getting another job means that I will be seeing considerably less of you fun peeps. On the other hand, it also means seeing alot less of my brothers. So, on top of the 7 hours a week that I already have, and the 16 hours of school that I have a week, I will be adding between 25 and 40 more hours of work per week. So, that puts me up to 48-63 hours of being busy in a week. Given that there are 24 hours in a day, and seven days in a week, that means that I would be spending roughtly 2-3 full days just doing school and work. This time does not include homework, or school activities, or driving time to and from, or getting ready for work and school. Also assuming that I spend about 3.5 hours in the shower in a week, and about 56 hours in bed a week (I know, horrible over estimate, but just go with me on this one.) There are 168 hours in a week. So, between work, school, and sleep/shower, I'd only have between 60.5 and 45.5 hours a week to do such things as eat, homework, get ready for school, school activities, driving, and hanging out with you all. Most of these hours, will be when I may be able to be working at KIPR more this Spring (between 8 and 5).

Anyhow, so forgive me if I am a little standoffish about this all. But what it all comes down to, is that I can't afford to live just on the money from the seven hours a week that they are willing to give me at KIPR currently.

Man, I hope I don't end up killing myself with this. Anyhow, enough worrying, and stressing from me. I need to be asleep.

Goodnight everyone,

Monday, August 22, 2005

Fuck Dell.

Still no hard drive. I'm not liking dell very much right now. They lie too often.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

dude, check him out!

Mr. Kevin Rose rocks my world. It seems he has some fun new stuff on DiggNation. Unfortunately, only being on my mom's computer, I can't download the plugin for his things. It seems that they have made it to iTunes though, so I don't really know if it costs money or what, but I'll update you all when I find out. You can check it out here if you feel adventurous.

Woot! to Kevin Rose!!!! Once again, he has rocked my world!!!!!

I would also suggest that if you have not yet watched The Broken, that you do that, because it is very entertaining. It is alittle technical, but I enjoyed it alot, and it talks about social engineering, which any college aged student needs to know.


I think my favorite is the second one, called "hacking with Ramzi" But they are all done by Kevin Rose, and he's loads of fun. Unfortunately, not only do I not live in Washington, but he also has a girlfriend, and I have a boyfriend. (Darn. 3 strikes, there goes that idea.)

But anyhow, so yeah, you should check him out some.
Catch you all later. bye.

being without internet access sucks.

Alright, this should be short, and to the point, although, not really sweet.

School sucks, it's too damn expensive, and takes up too much time.

Jobs that cut you down to 7 hours a week really suck. I need to work more than that. I'll only take home like $50 a week working this much. I need another job. I'm hoping to find one that will be able to find one that I can work about 30 hours a week, outside of the hours of 8am and 5pm.

I want my new harddrive, and I want it now. I really miss having continual access to the internet. It is very useful. I really really miss it.

Tabs and I are went 'shopping' for our duplex today. It was fun. That is to say, we went around the store, deciding how we're gonna decorate our place once we get it. It's gonna be very sophisticated looking, with sexy greene, purple, and blue christmas lights on the patio roof, and lots of candles, and pets. (We figure if I let Tabs have her cat, we won't have to worry about mice.)

So, on that note, the only working 7 hours a week at KIPR is kindda good, because it forces me to get another job. But anyhow, so that's enough for me. I'll catch you all later. have a good day. MEO

Friday, August 19, 2005

Eulogy of Beowulf

Yeah, I have no clue why I decided to go with that as a title, so don't ask. But anyhow, quick pc update...

(Queue theme music here)

There once was a very lovely and quick computer. It was fast, it was reliable, it was amazing. It was 80 gigabytes of raw power, and brute computing force. That computer as we once knew it, and all loved it, is now gone. We lay it to rest most likely on Tuesday, but from out of the ashes, there comes hope. Though the heart of Beowulf is dead, the sugery may yet save the remains. We can resurect him. We will make him better, stronger, more powerful, and exactly the same as his prior self, minus the problems, and the files, and music and stuff.

(end theme music)

Anyhow, so put it into real terms... it seems that when my poor, beloved computer took a dive off of my night stand, not only did the screen shatter into a million little pieces, but also, the poor little harddrive had a few problems of it's own.

So once again, they are going to fix my computer, free of charge (by that, I simply mean that it is still under warranty). But this time, it sounds like they will actually let me put it in myself. I hope that they do, since it isn't really hard, and it only involves one screw and stuff like that. But anyhow, so yay! I get a new hard drive. Well, half a yay at least. It should be in around monday. Yay! That makes me happy.

Once that is done though, I will be able to go in partition the hard drive, and install windows. It will be fun. I still haven't quite decided if I want to have Linux on it too or not, but if I do, I'm not entirely how to go about doing that, so... Rodney, if you're actually reading this, you're gonna get a call.

But anyhow, so I should get off of this, because it's Mark's computer. I'll catch you all later. Hope you're having a good time. bye, MEO

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Killers!!!

Yesterday, we saw The Killers concert! It was pretty cool; I was impressed. The lead singer is hot. It was a good concert.

Anyhow, asside from that, the Green Day concert is tomorrow. It should be incredibly awesome as well. I'm looking forward to it.

In other, more sad, news not a single movie store in town had a copy of 1776 the musical in stock. That is sad. :(

Also included in this category, my pc is a little mia for a bit. I'm upgrading to Windows XP Pro, and partitioning the harddrive in the midst of the act. Why? Because it was driving me nuts, and because I discovered how much too much space windows had taken over.

I think I might try my hand (and mind) at some of this linuxing after I've gotten Windows back on. At the current rate, it should be back on sometime around... oh say Thursday evening. Fun, huh? I think not.

But anyhow, so not it is time for some good old fashioned sleep, and maybe even a shower first. I'll catch you all later.

Bye, Elizabeth

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Alot can happen in a day

So... today, what all happened today? Alot happened today.

It has been a short day too. I didn't get up until about 3:30 or 4. Why did I get up then you ask? Well, we were out trying to find the meteor shower, but the clouds spoiled our fun. Anyhow, so I didn't get home and into bed until sometime after 6 in the morning. So, at around 3:30, my brother comes, knocks on the door, and comes in, and tells me that "Ashley the door next to next is at the door, and she wants to talk" to me.

The beginning of the conversation was pretty much an apology for leaving so soon, and an emphasis on the fact that I was not the reason for this early self-dismissal.

But the conversation continued for about a little over an hour or so.

From there, I jumped into the shower, and cleaned myself before rushing out to the party store to get some pirate stuff before the stores closed.

At somewhere around 6:15, I went and harrassed Richard to get the phone number of the girl whose party we were supposed to attend later that evening.

I was still tired, and had a horrible headache, so even though we were supposed to be there at 7 PM, I didn't leave until Richard had completely finished with working.

So about 7:20-25 ish, I leave, Albertson's, and Richard goes home to shower, and practice for his coming up try-outs. I go home, quick to get some stuff I forgot. Then I go over to Classics, and pick up some food for myself and Richard, and meet up with him and the food at his apartment. He calls Ally (the hostess of the party) to find out what's going on.

We eat, about 8:15, she calls us back, and we meet up with a group of 10 people or so dressed as pirates walking out of Petsmart. From there, we went into the mall, where we discover that one person is dressed as a ninja. We walk through Old Navy, everybody is looking at us, it's great. We walk past the kids, they all smile, and are thrilled and stuff. We go to take a picture near the fountain in the center, and the ninja tries to be all stealthy like, and 'hide' in the flower bed, and the security guard yells at us, and tells him to get out, and that we have to be out of there before the mall closes in two minutes.

We walk back by the kids, one kids is overly thrilled, and yells out excitedly, "Pirates Daddy, pirates."

After this, we walk through the drive-thru of McDonalds, to see one person working the drive-thru there. Then we go over to the Wal*Mart, where we get yelled at for sitting on the tricycles, and the ninja gets told he must pull down the black handkerchief covering his face because he might ninja them. Any how, so in all of this, everyone we walk by smiles, it's great. One guy even asks Richard if he's Captain Jack Sparrow. It's great. Anyhow, so then we page for the one person who looks normal (he's dressed up as an internet pirate) that we lost.

After a cheerful reuniting with the guy we'd lost, we head out. On the way out, the canadian in the group says to the older lady at the door to the walmart, "You be a saucey lass." It was freakin' hilarious. I'd have to say that that falls under the category of sexual harrassment, but it is great none the less.

So we leave there, and go to the West side Albertson's, and then we go back to Ally's house, and hang around, and eat, and talk alot. Play a little ping pong. We even tried the interesting good combination of pineapple and mushrooms on pizza. It's interesting, but not bad. Then we watched Muppet Treasure Island. It was fun. By this time, it is about 1:40 in the AM, so we come back to Richard's apartment, which is where my car is, and where I am currently.

So anyhow, alot has happened today. I think it is time for sleep soon. They are all out in the living room playing halo, and Shawn has blue tooth in his new phone. It is incredibly cool. He can use his phone to control the media player on his laptop from across the room. It is freakin' awesome. But anyhow, so I'm gonna get off of here now, and go join the rest of the humans.

Hope everyone had a great day, and has an awesome one tomorrow. Catch you later. 'Liz

Friday, August 12, 2005

Complicated Chick really doesn't quite describe her.

Yes, I did steal the title from one of Sean's blogs. But now, perhaps, you can see the title in a new light, be it better or worse. The first thing that I have to say though, is that I'm not writing this for you. I never write this for you, I write it for me. So if it is boring, you can just deal with it, but don't complain to me about how it's boring, because like I said, it is for me, not for you that I write my blogs.

Either way, it is time to get it all off my chest.

Ashley W. seems to be mad at me, because of something I had said to Richard. The funny thing about this being that she had to have completely taken ift out of context to be upset with me for it now, and that she was not a part of this conversation. Side stepping all of this, she's been mad at me for about two years now, because of some stupid party that I ended up taking Martin & Tony to. (To avoid getting into the massive amounts of trouble that I knew I would be in when Martin told our parents, I decided to tell them first, that it was a party involving alcohol. You might ask why it even matters, but then you must realize that Marting & tony were 15 & 16 at the time, and I was their ride, at the dandy age of 18 or 19. Anyhow, so to make a long story short, Ashley also attended that party, and was pretty smashed by the point in time that I left, and it seems that she decided to not like me anymore, because she was afraid that my parents would tell her parents, which I knew they wouldn't.) Anyhow, so somewhere in there, the friendship dwindled into darn near dislike for each other.

Recently, in the past few weeks, she got online, and IMed me. I was shocked, and confused, and completely at a loss for how to react to this, so I was nice back, and admittedly, a little standoffish. I mean, you've got to see it from my perspective, this is the girl that I overheard tell my brother that I'm a bitch. Forgive me if my love for her isn't quite what it once was.

Either way though, we talked on IM a little here and there, unfortunately, she'd usually catch me just as I needed to go do something like enroll, or something like that. I did invite her to the waterballoon fight although, only in IM for I never got around to resending the e-mail. (It seems that that is the thing I've been dropping the most this summer.) Anyhow, so it was cancelled due to lightening, and moved back to the friday after (aka - today). I invited her to the rain-date wbf aswell over IM finally thursday, having given up on getting e-mail addresses for others I also wanted to invite via e-mail from Richard.

So I get done giving her the info, and she stated that she doubted that she'd be there, I inquired if she had something else going that evening, and she started making remarks about how I didn't really care, and how I should give it up on pretending to be nice, and how it would be easier for everyone if we just didn't talk to each other ever again, and how I obviously didn't want her to be my friend again, and so forth.

I responded to all of that very nicely, and stated that I am genuinely being nice, and interested in being friends again, and so forth; apologized for having offended her somehow, ya da ya da... She goes offline before I even finish - yay! I love being told I'm not a real friend, and being 'hung up' on.

So anyhow, in the end, richard is thinking it is all his fault for having told her whatever it was he did, I'm all not feeling good, and kindda depressed because of it all, knowing that it is in fact my fault. And Ashley, I don't know what she is like. But anyhow, so I'm even more confused now than I ever was before as to how to handle the situation. I mean, being nice doesn't seem to be working, but being mean is gonna make it even worse. Being honest got her to 'hang up' on me. And I'm just flat out confused. This is far too complicated for me. I don't understand what she wants. I mean, I'm trying, I really am, but you can't expect a new friendship to just regain full strength over night; especially not after having a falling out.

But anyhow, so the wbf is this evening in like 2 hours and 45 minutes, and I need to shower, and fill balloons and stuff like that, so I'm closing this blog. I'll catch you all (assuming anyone is still reading this, and I don't know why you are if you are) later.


Sunday, August 07, 2005

to make everyone stop bugging me.

My pirate name is:

Mad Morgan Bonney

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!